
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

I thought it was funny and clever and I was inspired. It made me think of some of the things women do and why! That’s when I came up with this woman’s ” WHY” List

1. Why am I the only one in the house that knows how to change the toilet tissue roll when it’s empty?

2. Why, when they don’t believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy, do my family members still believe in the Dish Fairy (they leave dirty dishes which magically disappear when I can’t stand it anymore!)

3. Why do people leave a totally empty soda carton in the refrigerator and then get mad when I didn’t buy more soda when I went shopping?

4. Why was my mother able to get my sister and I not only to make our beds, but make them with hospital corners so that she could bounce a quarter off them, and I can’t even get my kids to pull the covers up off the floor?

5. Why am I the only one who remembers (and employs) the rhyme “If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat”?

6. Why will my husband and children eat salad in a restaurant but when I serve it at home they won’t touch it?

7. Why does my husband want to go to the movies when an action packed thriller is playing, but doesn’t feel up to it for a romantic comedy?

8. Why is it I’m the only one who ever finds when the dog has had an accident in the house? Has everyone else gone blind and lost their sense of smell?

9. Why am I the on only one who hears the timer on the dryer? Obviously they also lost their sense of hearing!

10. And finally, why is it that, when I was working a 60 hour work week, it was just “the way it is” and I still had to cook dinner and clean up, but when anyone else in my family works a full day they need to be waited on and pampered because of what how rough it is for them?

So there’s my WHY List! Men, Women, if you have any additions, please feel free to chime in! I’m sure my husband has just as many WHY’s about me, and fair is fair! I can take it!


  1. Marion I LOVE THIS POST!!!!

  2. WHY am I the only one who sees the laundry basket right in front of the stairs that needs to be brought down?? but they can sure hurdle it!!!!

    WHY when I finally get a night out do I have to come home and clean up from dinner when even though I cooked it and set the table but didn't even eat????

    LOVE this post!!!!!

  3. These words need to be written because they are soooooo true! I've got a great one to add: Why is it I'm the only babysitter option for my grandchildren? I love them with all my heart but I like to have them on my terms too... sometimes individually and as a group... but my choice not an obligation as seen in my children's eyes... ( getting off my soap box now...)

    Pamela K. Embury

  4. Marion this post ROCKS!!!!!
    Here some more Why's to add : Wy is it I can arrange my schedule to fit in more than one thing like dentist appointments for the kids and grocery shop, or better yet meet with teachers and still make it home before the bus does yet ask someone to do more than one thing fear strikes their face. UNBELIEVABLE!

  5. Why am I the only one who knows how to use the dishwasher/washer/dryer/vacuum cleaner? Why is it my job to get a babysitter when we're going out? Why do I love this post so much? Because it's SO TRUE!!!!!!

  6. Why do women complain about EVERYTHING!

    Clearly most of that list, and the replies that followed, are kid's gripes. So you came here to vent about your kids? Really?

    I have 3 kids, and about the only thing they do on your list is not aim well. And I clean it, no big deal! They're kids, you're gonna find laundry here and there, etc.

    Mine make their beds, take "Chaos" for his walk, and put their dishes in the dishwasher to name a few. Maybe you girls should focus more on parenting, then complaining.

  7. @ Waaaaaaaaaaa

    My husband is the biggest contributor to my gripes
    and kudos to you that you help around the house

  8. I'm just sitting here smiling! I'm lucky my husband helps a lot - but so much of it still hits home! As always, great job Marion!

  9. Why do "we" not create change in these situations...... Maybe the question there is HOW?

    Always a good read Marion - Love your posts!

  10. Dear Waaaaaaaa, So glad you've perfected your parenting skills!Now you need to work on developing a sense of humor!

  11. LOL, Nicely said, BooHoo!
