
Saturday, May 7, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

Coke or Pepsi?  The age old war between the two iconic cola companies continues. Either you’re a Coke person or a Pepsi person; it’s politically incorrect to be both! Let’s look at the history of each company, their impact on society and the cleverness of their slogans and then, of course, the taste. After that, you decide. Tell us which kind of cola connoisseur you are!

Coke was invented in May of 1886 by a pharmacist named Dr. John Pemberton in a brass kettle in his back yard. He took the syrup to his drug store in Atlanta Georgia where his bookkeeper suggested the name Coca Cola because of the ingredients cocaine and kola nut. It was this bookkeeper’s neat script handwriting that became the famous logo still used today.

The syrup was mixed with carbonated water at the soda fountain of the Pharmacy and sold about 9 glasses a day. It was advertised as an elixir or tonic to improve digestion and settle upset stomachs. By the late 1890’s the formula was sold to Asa Candler who launched an aggressive marketing campaign which led to Coca Cola being one of America’s most popular fountain drinks. Clever advertising, updating the product (Diet Coke, Coke Zero, New Coke, Coke Classic etc) and bottling helped Coke to grow into a household word around the world.

The effect of Coke on our culture? HUGE! Besides being the first major soda company to bottle and distribute coke in machines, the Coca Cola Company practically invented the now accepted image of Santa Claus. Their brilliant ads in 1931 depicting that “Jolly Old Elf” as a rosy cheeked, red nosed, chubby old man in a red suit gave children what became the iconic image of Santa for ages to come. It was also Coke that hired famous artists Normal Rockwell and N.C. Wyeth to paint much loved versions of mid-century American life. And who can forget the historic 1971 commercial “I’d like to teach the world to sing”? It was also Coke that was the first soft drink to be consumed in space in July of 1985.
So now you know the history and some interesting facts. What about the taste?  Most people describe it as “fuzzy, sweet, refreshing, crisp and sugary. The truth is, you have to taste it for yourself to really know. 

So, are you a Coke person? Think you know all about Coca Cola?

Take the Coke quiz and find out!

The competitor: Pepsi Cola  will be explored in part II!


  1. I only got 7 out of 15! I thought I was the Coke King! I have to study and take it again!

  2. I am 100% COKE! I didn't do too well onthe quiz either but I sure love the taste(at breakfast, lunch, dinner, in between.....)!

  3. 13 Out of 15! Not braggin', just sayin'-freakin' awesome!

  4. Hey, I remember before it was the real thing, it was "Things go better with Coca Cola!"

  5. "Catch the wave" (New Coke)
