
Saturday, May 7, 2011


You know you're a mom if you've ever crawled under a crib at 2 a.m. searching for a pacifier like your life depended on it.

You know you're a mom if you've ever stuck a pacifier in your mouth just to clean it off!

You know you are a mom if you find yourself singing Old MacDonald (or other kiddie songs) in the car...alone!

You know you are a mom when you start looking at diaper bags the same as you did those awesome leather purses currently hanging in your closet.

You know you're a mom if you have more children than dollars in your purse.

You know you're a mom if you can take a shower, do hair and makeup in less than 10 minutes ( usually with an audience).

You know you're a mom if you've taste baby food.

You know you're a mom when you wake up with extra people in bed with you.

You really know you're a mom when you stop caring if people think your house is nice and you just wish they'd think your kids were nice.

You know you're a mom when baby wipes are more valuable than money at any given time of day in any given location.

You know you're a mom if everything you ever need is on the floor of your car. 

You know you’re a mom if you prefer to be in time-out…. and want a minute for every year!

You know you’re a mom if while trying to use the bathroom, you have constant knocking and banging on the other side of the door….. or just leave the door open.

You know you’re a mom if you have two-inch roots because you can’t find the time to touch them up.

You know you’re a mom if you wish you had eight arms.

You know you’re a mom if you wait for everyone to eat and consume the leftovers on their plates.

You know you’re a mom if you have gates put up all over the house, and leaping over them is your idea of a daily workout.

You know you’re a mom if you save everything from birth to five years of age, and beyond…

You have accidentally brushed your teeth with Desitin.

You have caught spit-up  or vomit in your hands.

You can recite Goodnight Moon and Green Eggs and Ham by heart.

You have shared a fifteen-minute conversation about your baby/child with a complete stranger at the grocery store.

You filled up your child's baby book before her first tooth appeared. (Or haven't touched siblings books!)

You forgot your mother-in-law's first name because you now only refer to her as "Grandma."

You are just as surprised when you sleep through the night as when your child does.

There are days when you consider it a major triumph if you shower by noon.

You own the entire Baby Einstein DVD collection.

You find yourself humming the "Rubber Duckie" song in the shower.

You see your parents in a whole new light.

You believe that macaroni and cheese should become it’s own food group.

Play dates have taken over your life!

You reach into your pocket and pull out a crayon, a matchbox car and a dirty sock.

A night on the town means taking the kids out past 6 pm.

You memorize and juggle more schedules and activities than American Airlines, and when people ask you where you live, you say, “In a tan minivan on I-95

You ask where “the potty” is.

You begin to wonder whether fed-exing the kids to grandma’s is an idea who’s time has come.

“Whine” is no longer simply red or white.

When you walk into another room in your house to get something and by the time
you get there you forget what you were going to get.

You can’t wait to hug your own kids after you see something troubling on the news.

YOUR TURN! Keep it going in comments....


  1. You know your a mom when the best presents you get and love are handmade...getting my macaroni jewelry on now!!! Happy Mothers Day!

  2. You know your a mom when your husband cuts himself shaving and you hand him a barbie band aid for his boo boo!!!!
