
Monday, May 9, 2011

COKE OR PEPSI - PART II - "You got the right one Baby UH HUH"

Marion Pellicano Ambrose
Much like its main competitor Coke, Pepsi Cola was invented by a pharmacist who had a soda fountain in his drug store. It was also advertised as a tonic that would refresh, but cure a variety of ailments and complaints. Caleb Bradham of New Bern, North Carolina came up with the formula for Pepsi in 1893. He called it “Brad’s Drink which was later changed to Pepsi Cola because of the ingredients pepsin and Kola nuts. Bradham was successful with the company he formed until WW I when sugar prices fell. Bradham had gambled on them continuing to rise and as a result, Pepsi Cola went bankrupt in 1923.
In 1931 Pepsi was bought by the Loft Candy Company (YUM, I remember them and their amazing candy called Parlays!). The new owner, Charles Guth struggled to make Pepsi a success and even offered to sell the company to Coca Cola several times. It wasn’t until 1936 that Guth was able to reorganize his company, improved the formula and began selling 12 ounce bottles at the same price Coca Cola was selling its 6 ounce bottles for – 5 cents! Finally, people had a compelling reason to switch from Coke to Pepsi and they did, to the tune if one billion bottles consumed in 1937! Pepsi is generally recognized for its clever advertising, most of which concentrates on outshining its arch enemy, Coke! Who can forget this famous Pepsi commercial?
So, are you a Pepsi person? Think you know all about Pepsi Cola?
Take the Pepsi Quiz and find out!
One last comparison; here are the mission statements for both companies.
PepsiCo's mission is "To be the world's premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages. We seek to produce healthy financial rewards to investors as we provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners and the communities in which we operate. And in everything we do, we strive for honesty, fairness and integrity."

Coke's is: "Our mission is to create a
growth strategy that allows us to bring good to the world -- by refreshing people every day and inspiring them with optimism through our brands and our actions."

Still not sure? Take the Coke vs. Pepsi Quiz!


  1. I did pretty well on the Coke/Pepsi
    quiz, mostly because I read your articles first! FUN, thanks!

  2. This blog made me thirsty! Reaching for a Coke!

  3. You KNOW I'm a Diet Coke girl!
