
Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Jillian B Hart

Me being me, it's no surprise that a friend told me about the One Extraordinary Marriage "7 Day Sex Challenge", and encouraged me to "read", "research" and "share" my thoughts.  Tony and Alisa Dilorenzo, speak about how when it comes to sex, life gets in the way.  HMMMM.... been there, wrote about that numerous times here at the lounge.  They are promoting the "7 Day Sex Challenge" to improve your marriage.  Do note, they have a spiritual side to the challenge and include prayer.  I will say prayer always has a place in marriage and partnership, and never underestimate the power of a praying wife. Trick is to make sure she's praying for your good being and not your demise.  Or vise versa.  But that's a whole other blog. Like me, the Dilorenzos, encourage you to shake things up and think out of the typical bedroom box.  Consider what is stated in Rebooting in the Bedroom - do what you can and must too prevent your sex life from getting boring.  For ideas read, The Hot List.   WOW, I really am not alone in this, LOL! (Hush, Tony Walker - I know you'll be all over this!) In fact, Fox News was all over it.  (Note to self - get the DRL editors to get a press release out to Fox News. my articles are right along the same lines as the Delorenzo's, HA!)

The point of being necessary for continuation of the species aside.  Sex is an important part of life.  Yet, all too often it is NOT a priority in your relationship.  Why not?  WHY THE HELL NOT?  What's so complicated?! It makes for a happy lover.  It really makes for a happy man! It also makes for a good time, (At least if you do it right!), good relationship, good mood, good endorphins, good health, good sleep, good stress relief, good cardio... the list goes on and on.   The "no time", "no energy" thing - is true at times, but it is often truer that it is a cop out.  If something is important to you - you make it a priority.  Why then, if relationship is important do so many long term partners allow the sex side of it to get lost?  

The Dilorenzo's define or explain this "7 Day Sex Challenge" as "One Week, Seven Adventures".  What a great way to think of your sex life - as an adventure!  For some I bet it sounds more exciting already.  Seven days guaranteed sex!  I know the men will commit. Beats the heck out of the "when am I gonna get some" rut.  Come on ladies, step up!  It's really not that hard. (Ah, yes, and perhaps that's part of the problem.) The most basic part of the challenge is for you and your mate to have sex for seven days straight.  Have you done that since your honeymoon? Or back in the beginning? Back when it was good!  Part of sex being good is directly related to it being often!!! (Did you just hear our funny man Tony say "DUH!"? LOL!)    Choose seven calendar days and then make having sex everyday a priority.

A seven day sex challenge.  Seven little days. Do you dare?  Bring it or bust it?!  Are you up for it?  Is your lover?  Planning each rendezvous is certainly going to strengthen communication and build intimacy.  Marriage is made to be more then just finances, bills, and chores...

I say do it!  What are you waiting for? What have you got to lose? Nothing but perhaps some sleep (it'll be worth it!), and a snooze of a sex life! (Even more worth it!)  Besides napping can be the perfect plan for one of your seven adventures.  Sign up your lover!  Talk about the endless possibilities.  That alone should entice the mood. Set the scene, read something sexy aloud.  Never disparage the power of a good kiss to get things going. Think out of the box.  For goodness sake - get out of the bedroom! Be creative with the hanky panky. This needs to be nooky at it's best!  It's about doing the wild thing, seven days straight!  Add some spice.  Pencil in a quickie.  Polish the pearl.  Bash the bish. Do a hummer of a job.  Consider the backdoor.  Get a plan.  GET EXCITED!  GET BUSY! GET IT ON!  GO! GO!  GO FOR IT!  Some times you gotta say, "WHAT THE......!!!!"


  1. Do a hummer of a job?
    Consider the back door??
    Oh that's right.... I was told to hush.
    Great post!!!

  2. Wow!!! Tony what control you have I thought you would be all over

    Hmmmmm Jillian still checking my calendar for a seven day straight not so exhausting week does it have to be this year???

  3. Great post Jillian and great restraint Tony! Proud of you both!

  4. Sounds like a great idea....the kids will love spending the week with Aunt Jillian...when are you arriving so I can have them ready for you to take?

  5. Oh...and I almost forgot - I JUST THREW UP A LITTLE IN MY MOUTH! :)

  6. Tony --- I was teasing - you have exercised much control! Impressive! I'm letting you off the hook - Talk to me, baby! Talk to the people! :) LOL

    Patty - I KNOW!! I can relate! Believe me, I know! (Isn't it apparent by my random posting schedule - you never know when you'll see me at DRL) Scheduling is always an issue - if you want it make it happen!

    Dawn, Dawn, Dawn... Auntie Jill will take the girls anytime! geographically it might be an issue - we can work on that - Next time I'm up in the apple!
    As for the vomit comment - I AM SO GETTING YOU THAT T-SHIRT!
