
Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Tony Walker
So the He Said She Said sparked quite the debate didn't it?
Boyle made a comment that was actually going to be a future He Said She Said topic I had planned but since she brought it up I am going to talk about it now.

She said she is thinking about going away for a week & not bringing her phone. This is a sensitive topic for me. My wife has gone away twice & is now planning another trip.

I won't lie to you... it's a bitch when she's gone. I do a lot with the kids but it's a nice to know mommy is home too just in case I just sat down & one of the brats now want something. Maybe mommy will get it this time. To be "on call" 24 hours a day is exhausting. (Hats off to you single moms! My mom was one so hats off to her too!)

The first 2 trips my wife took were both in 2009. I wasn't thrilled about the first one but I understand we all need a break. We survived the week but it was tough at times. Our autistic daughter couldn't understand why mommy had to go. She was mad about it & made sure everyone knew. The second time I was pissed. Like I said, it was the same year. You just had a break & now you're going again?? Our daughter was even more cranky the second time around plus I had to work which meant getting babysitters. I guess I bitched enough because in 2010 she didn't go anywhere but now she is planning a trip for the end of June. 

My cancer was diagnosed in 2002. Since all the chemo, surgeries, amputation, heartache, aggravation, etc. I have only taken a 3 day weekend with a couple of friends. What I would LOVE to do is go away for a few days (if not longer) with my wife! We have not had a vacation alone since our honeymoon in 1998. But that is not happening anytime soon.

So I am not happy she is going away again. We all need our "me" time. I get that. We all need a break to regroup. I get that. But when does it become too much? Where is the balance?

What pisses me off even more is that I can't get my wife to take a morning off so we can be naked after the kids go to school but she'll take a few days to go somewhere without me? Again!!

So when Boyle goes away I hope she does have her phone because I'll be calling her to find out where she is staying because I am going to meet up with her. Then we'll leave our phones in the suitcases!!!

What do you guys think? How do you give yourself & your partner a break?


  1. Tony, the only time I have every been "away" without Greg and/or the kids was for a few days last October to do work out was not a relaxing vacation but it did make everyone miss and appreciate each other! I am all for a few days here and there!!! VEGAS HERE WE COME!!!

  2. WOW!!! Tony sorry but your wife is lucky I have never been away alone for a girls weekend nothing in all my years. Something I regret more and more as I get older and my kids do as well. They see Mom is tired and lets face it cranky alot lately.

    So when we decided where doing something give me a little heads up Dawn because I will try to scrimp and save to go. As it is right now saving to go to my 25th HS reunion next year is what I have been told by many of my friends mandatory that I attend.
