
Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Tony Walker
A few years ago my Brother In Law was getting married. His Best Man put together a bachelor party of a bunch of guys going out for some steaks. Steaks! YUM, YUM!!!

After the steaks & some alcohol the Best Man came to me since my life revolves around sex. He said he wanted to take the man of the hour to a strip joint.

I said I knew just the place to go.... because.... um.... someone told?..... me about a place.... yeah right. In my twenties I frequented this place all the time!!! Let's go check it out!!!

This is a true story my friends. We went to this place. I hadn't been there in almost 10 years. This place sucked! The women were around 50 & all they did was bug us for lap dances because that's where they make the most money. We refused. Some people might like lap dances from their mother's but we don't. These women wouldn't leave us alone. We got mad & yelled at them. Eventually the dancers backed off & we just hung out & watched the dancers.

What took place the next day is why I am writing this post. A girlfriend of one of the guys went ballistic when she found out we went to a strip club. She called my Brother In Law's Fiance & told her all the guys at the party got laid from these hookers at the strip club. The Fiance had never been to a strip club or never heard much about them. The girlfriend told her this is what goes on at every strip club. So I had to go plead my case to my future Sister In Law & tell her this is not true! She threw her ring across the room & called off the engagement. I spent 6 FREAKING HOURS telling her that's not what we did!!! Thank goodness she eventually came around & the wedding went on without a hitch.

To burn me up even more about the girlfriend.... SHE took all the ladies at the bachelorette party to a drag strip club where men were dancing around with their junk hanging out!!!

Ladies!!! Do any of you out there feel it's OK for a girl to go to a strip club but not men? Do any of you feel men are always getting sex at strip clubs??? Please tell me that's not true!



  1. Depends on how much money you are willing to spend. I personally know two Men that have had Sex with very high end Strippers. I don't care if once and a while my Husband goes for a party. He doesn't have that much money lol. The Girl friend sounds like an idiot.

  2. Yes Jackie there are high end strippers who will have sex with you but like you said... they are high end. Local strip joints are dives. There is nothing high end about them.
    One of the reasons I stopped frequenting that place was because I was going broke!! LOL
    You nailed it... the girlfriend is a major idiot.

  3. First of all nto all guys go to batchelor parties to bang strippers; they go to get a lap dance, drink & act like 18 again.
    "wow check out that rack", "what a gr8 ass, did you think she takes it"
    Stop over reacting to strip clubs ladies, if you touch the girls you get a warning, 2nd time you get tossed out on your ass!

    the Girl friend is an immature see you next tuesday!

  4. Tony this might be a shocker...I agree with you!

  5. Let me just start out by saying that strip clubs can be an absolute blast! But Jackie's right - it depends on how much you are willing to spend in regard to what some strippers are willing to do. Not all strippers will "perform" for cash but some will. Name your price and negotiate with them. It won't happen in the Champagne Room but if you bring it outside the club, it can. If you're looking for sexual favors, then you need to get someone into your home. But don't hire them off Craigslist, kill them and leave their bodies by Gilgo Beach (joke). The whole idea of a strip club is to shakedown the clientele so the constant banter from the strippers to get you to buy a lap dance is just part of the experience. When it comes to the Bachelor/bachelorette parties, you should really know the boundaries of your fiance and respect that. Some people are cool with what goes on and some people aren't. If you have to start out your married life together hiding something that you did, it's not the ideal situation. One more thing – don't make the mistake of being in a club when it's going to close and all the house lights go on full blast while the strippers are still milling around. It really ruins it.

  6. I agree - although I would't encourage it as a weekly outing. Bachelor parties are harmless enough. I'm confident, he's coming home to me. I suppose that makes all the difference in the world. If you are not, perhaps there is much more to question then going o a strip club.

  7. The girlfriend is obviously insecure!! My husband and his friends went to Scores a few times for bachelor parties....I laughed my ass off at the stories. A relationship needs to be based on trust and honesty

  8. Question...For those of you that are ok with your guy going to a club and admiring the naked body of a woman that isn't you, and spending money on a woman that isn't you, would you feel the same way if he did that outside the walls of the club, at say her house, or even yours? Or maybe his office, a hotel room? Or does it somehow make it different because he pays a cover charge and $20 per beer?

  9. completely different!
