
Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Dawn Boyle
Fifteen years ago my answer to how I felt about my significant other going to a strip club would have been "no way!" I will chalk that up to my own insane insecurity and stupidity of youth.

The truth is your spouse is NOT going to find love in a strip club, and an even slighter chance of getting laid in one. The ladies there are just doing their job. There is NO SEX IN THE CHAMPAGNE ROOM!

Guys going out with their buddy before he gets married is usually more about the guys having fun, the groom is just there for the ride. It is the obligatory night out of debotury, which is as old as time.

Now a days the ladies get their night too! I have to say I have been to some out of control bachelorette parties. I have seen a bride-to-be make out with someone and ride a male stripper like he was a horse.

If you are worried about your future husband going to a strip club mere days before he will marry you, there are bigger problems there then the bachelor party. The only issue I would have about Greg going to a strip club now would be him throwing money away, the same way I feel about the kids always wanting to play those stupid games at's a waste, you are NEVER going to win that giant banana. You are better off keeping your cash in your pocket and playing with the toys you already have at home, if you know what I mean!



  1. Dawn you are Dead on balls accurate!

    More woman should think like you!


  2. Thanks's a rarity when guys agree with me - usually I get riped a new one :)

  3. Dawn, from what I've read, you are a smart and savvy woman. But this response sounds like a woman who has her head in the sand - or just doesn't care that her husband is "lusting in his heart" over other women. Don't think for one minute that when your guy gets home all thoughts of the woman he just watched dance naked in front of him are out of his head. It doesn't matter how secure or insecure you may be, it doesn't change the image that is burned in his mind. No, the dancer doesn't mean anything to him and no he's not finding love, but he has eyes and a memory.

  4. Everyone has eyes & a memory. You get married... you don't get "dead"

  5. Anonymous...I would have my head in the sand to think that my husband NEVER thinks of someone else or better yet - lusts for someone else. I have been with GK for over 16 years. He has been to strip clubs 3 times since we have been married. His bachelor party, my brother's and once with me :)

    It would be silly to think that your spouse doesn't think, admire or fantasize about another every once in a while - and if someone is telling you they don't, they are full of it!

    My husband is in love with someone on American Idol...and he talks in his sleep. I am okay with it!

  6. On the money again - well said Dawn!

  7. I fully recognize that men (and women) will notice, admire and fantasize etc. but why serve it up on a silver platter? What happens next, when the clubs get boring? It's a slippery slope...

  8. The slope is always slippery! Marriage is WORK... you have to work at it! If you don't invest - you get nothing back in return. That said... sometimes a little risk increases the portfolio! The key is to keep what is important conservative - only ris what you can afford to lose.

  9. I think it's only on that silver platter when there is a problem in the partnership already.

    I live my life with the attitude that whatever happens is supposed to happen.
