
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


This week's He Said is based on what some she's have said to me. Some of you may find this topic disgusting. If so my apologies.

Guys joke all the time about anal sex. I've joked about anal sex. Girls always get grossed out as soon as it is mentioned.... or do they?

I've met some women who LOVE it! These women claim to actually prefer it over other sexual acts.
If these women are telling me the truth... then why do so many other women find the act disgusting?
Is it because we're talking about the butt?
Does this belong in the "don't knock til you try it" category?
Is it for religious reasons?
If any of you women have the guts to share your experiences here, please tell me why you like it.
If you are on the disgusting side of this please tell us why it's so disgusting to you.
Do you think the women who told me they love it are lying? Or weirdos? Or do you give them credit for trying it?


  1. I have been trying to think of a comment all day for this one....I am still stumped!

    I am sure there are plenty of people who do it but say they do not.

    I am sure that there are plenty of people that say they have done it, but have not :)

  2. Ok I am going to be brave.....I think because of the location of this act some people may be put off by it.....but I think any sex act, performed with love, respect and consideration for your partner can be enjoyable. :)

  3. Doris loves anal.

  4. Did that totally turn you on to say that Captain Obvious?

  5. Doris, I had so many reservations about posting this piece because I was afraid someone like Capt. Obvious would say something stupid.
    My apologies. I was hoping for a real discussion.

  6. Tony - Sorry it went there when you want serious, Mr. Funny Man!

    Doris... you said it perfectly in your first comment. Kudos to you!

  7. Is this a "Bad Girl" act? If that's what you think, try it - make sure you have your partner lubricate first. Don't just give up quickley. Let yourself enjoy the expierence - be a "Bad Girl"
