
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Jillian B. Hart
To be secure in yourself and feel empowered is a very expected part of life in the 21st century.  The sky is the limit.  Dream it.  Pursuit it.  Make it happen.  All you have to do is reach for it, create it and it is there - yours for the taking!

Women succeed all over the map in this "man's" world.  Yet, often I hear that women don't share their desires or admit that they are in touch with their own bodies.  Is it any wonder they lose interest in sex? (Being a multitasking woman, wife, mother, go getter - and the energy it takes to be those things aside - of course!) Being happy in your relationship energizes your life.  Enables you to want and do more.  To be better.  (We all know, the man will be empowered and contented if he shares what he wants and gets some!)  Feeling good and yearned for builds confidence.  These attributes will spill over into the rest of your daily interactions. So why not start at home?  Why not start in the bedroom? Why not talk about what you want?!

Getting bold in the bedroom may just be what is needed to taste the rainbow (Don't you love skittles?!) and move from black and white to technicolor.  Do you like to color?  LOL. Colorful question isn't it?!  When it comes to sex, do you only color between the lines?  If  that's the case... is your lover happy, do you have a lot to learn, or do you have hang ups to shed?  What do you really want from your partner and why aren't you asking for it?!  If you are going to spend most of your life with a partner in a monogamous relationship - don't you have to expand your palette to include new shades and values? You must keep it interesting or risk the colors running.  Trust is a must when coloring out of the lines. If you are in a trusting, loyal and honest relationship you should be able to be confident to communicate to you mate your wants, needs and desires without fear of judgement or complete denial.  Additionally you need to listen to and be open to your lovers carnal aspirations.  It's up to you to create the masterpiece of a great sex life.  The canvas is yours for decoration.  Shouldn't the ambition be to use every crayon in the box?! Perhaps there is a lot to be said for that 7 day sex challenge! It'll certainly get you using those crayons!  The bigger the box the better!


  1. Great Post Jillian! If that's what we can do with crayons bring on the stationary supply store.

  2. Can't leave that 7 day sex challenge thing alone huh Jillian. lol

  3. You obviously know where I stand....still waiting to hear who won the Seven Day Sex Thingy....I know two people that certainly didn't!

  4. Hold on now.... IT WASN'T A CONTEST! None of you declare me judge and jury - that's between you and your lovers! HA!

  5. All I'm going with here - is that as an artist - the bigger the box of crayons the better!!! 'Nuf said!
