
Friday, May 6, 2011


Dawn Boyle

First I would like to clear up the mystery behind the picture...even though we already did do a LTP and the answer was revealed "what is the LTP picture", it is a picture of Heather Chandler from the movie Heathers. It happens to be one of my all time favorites and in the the movie the "Heathers" do a lunch time poll, the link is down below, beware of the language!

Today's Lunch Time Poll is...
not only a poll but a reminder of sorts!

SUNDAY IS MOTHERS DAY...I know for some of our readers this is shocking but I will say it anyway...EVEN THOUGH YOUR WIFE OR SPOUSE IS NOT YOUR MOTHER, SHE IS THE MOTHER TO YOUR CHILDREN...which means get something - a card, a plant...give her an hour to herself! (IF YOU DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN YOU MAY HAVE A PET...SHE IS THE MOTHER OF THAT PET!!)

How will you be celebrating Mother's Day?

Do you receive gifts from your significant other on Mother's Day?

What was the best gift you ever received for Mother's Day?

Heather's Link -ENJOY!

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