
Friday, May 6, 2011


B o b b y   D o n o h u e
Tony Walker
Bobby has just launched his own TV show called "Be A Rock Star" and a book by the same name. 
"Be A Rock Star" is a reality show based on Bobby, his hot wife Laura, and their kids as they use the Laws Of Attraction to help them towards achieving the American Dream; money, a big house, and security.

There is very little I can tell you about the Law Of Attraction. The whole thing sounds very interesting but I don't know much about it. If you are like me and don't yet know much about it well check out Bobby. He put out a coffee table book a few years ago that explains the basics behind it, plus he is available for public speaking if you ever wanna bring him in to your town to have him explain it.
But you do not have to be into the Law Of Attraction to enjoy his show. If you've seen "The Secret" and the movies like it, or if you've seen public speakers who explain how to improve your life and live the way you want to live, they all seem like these supreme creatures who have all the answers. Well Bobby does not have all the answers. The reason he knows about these things is because he has learned through experience. Life is a never ending experience so he is still learning. So you're watching a show about a guy who knows what he has to do for his life and you'll see him as he achieves these goals. He will make more mistakes. He will learn new things. He may even change his mind about certain things. Just like everyone does. That's the beauty of this show. You can see how an everyday normal dope like you and me makes life work for him. Bobby and Laura come pretty close to living by their own rules, not by some corporation, not by surrendering to a jackass manager at a 9 to 5 job. Watch Bobby's show and you just might see how this applies to your life. Bobby is an inspiration. I think he will make it big and become the "rock star" he wants to be. So remember his name.
While you're at it, remember the names Dawn Boyle, Barbara Ward Finneran, and Tony Walker! I think Delayed Reaction and Drop Dead Comedy are going places too!!!

 Be A Rock Star


  1. Tony...I just watched his show and it's awesome! The Law of Attraction brought you and me together <3

  2. Very true Dawn. I'm so glad we have reconnected!

    Now if only The Law Of Attraction brought us a little closer.... closer.... closer.....

  3. Thanks very much guys! This is awesome! Laura's cheeks turned red when she read that about herself. We really appreciate the write-up, thank you!

    For your readers, here's the link to my site to see the show:

    Thank you!!

  4. So glad to share the good things you are doing at Be A Rock Star here at DRL! Big big believer in the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction!
