
Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Jillian B. Hart

Would you consider the "7 Day Sex Challenge" with your partner, why or why not?  

If yes... Are you overwhelmed or excited by the idea? How will you make it work around the "life that gets in the way"?

If no... Is life just too complicated? Do you just not want too? Are you past the point of wanting better - ready to let things go? If it's no... what's next? What happens when it all falls apart?

Okay, you know the drill... TALK TO ME PEOPLE!  :)


  1. Personally, I think it's a great idea! It puts the focus on each other and not everything else. There probably was a time when you would let all the rest fade away and enjoy each other. Any relationship worth having takes effort and work. Sex for homework doesn't sound so bad to me!

  2. OH Jillian how do I give you my answer here hmmmmm....

    Can an option for a "maybe" choice here (your probably shaking your head saying umm nope). LOL

  3. Veronica CampbellMay 11, 2011 at 1:02 PM

    I can go with seven nights of romantic dinners, walks on the beach, watching our favorite movie, and snuggling, but I can't see penciling sex in like it was a doctor's appointment. Sex has to arise from the moment.To put it on a schedule,in my opinion, takes away the spirituality and romance. I know many peoplelook at sex as an activity for personal satisfaction, but I see it as an expression of love and committment between two people. I guess I'm just an old fashioned girl. That said, I do love your posts Jillian, and I think you give wonderful advise! I will take the 7 day romance challenge and maybe it will turn out to be the same thing! <3

  4. Agreed! It's about effort, work and choice.
    I agree with you too, Veronica, whole heartedly!!! Yo are very wise. That really is the point to rebuild the connection - so you want to be romantic, close, intimate... If you create romance the rest will happen! I do believe with efforts of any sort on the relationship - in the long run, it will be the same, one fosters the other.

  5. Does it have to be with the same person?? lol

  6. ROTFLMAO..... Love ya, TMF!!!
