
Thursday, June 9, 2011


In the Studio with Garyo - Day Five
This is the conclusion to my creating Nacho. If you haven't tuned in on Day OneDay Two,  Day Three, or Day Four click the links, so you can see the whole process. Recently Green Whisker Works, my NY-Based studio, had a contest on FaceBook. The contest was simple, go on the Green Whisker Works page do the "like" thing and then post a picture of your pet. After the deadline, I put everyone's name that posted in a hat a randomly pulled out one lucky winner. The winner was Brenda Dungan Edmonds and her little dog Nacho. So she sent me lots of wonderful pictures of this cute little guy and I set to work on immortalizing him.

Darth Nacho! Actually I've presented the clay in pictures to Nacho's owner and after a few tweaks she has approved the sculpt. So I'm fencing him into this odd box made of foamcore to make a mold.

Nacho is in the pink! I've filled the box with silicone rubber (the pink stuff in the box) and he now has to sit overnight while the rubber cures.

Once the rubber has cured I peal off the foamcore board I made the box with and carefully cut the mold open to pull the clay out. Sometimes the clay doesn't survive so well. That's ok, because Nacho will get recycled in the clay bucket and reborn again as another great pet!

Once the mold is cleaned of clay I can now make castings with the mold. If I'm making a bronze I cast in a special foundry wax and send it to the foundry. In Nacho's case he is going into plastic and getting the faux bronze treatment. I will also be making a variation of Nacho with a custom dog tag as a limited run of 10 that will be available through the Green Whisker (link) web site.
So, I present to you Nacho in all his glory. This was a incredibly fun sculpt to do. Brenda was fantastic in giving me source photos to work with and very helpful in giving direction to capture all of Nacho's character and personality. I look forward to capturing your pet next!

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