
Thursday, June 9, 2011



I've been put up to the challenge of putting together this list. So here goes.

The Hot Chick.
She's hot & she knows it. She will bleed you of all your cash so she can have all of her trophies. She will act like your trophy in public but behind closed doors she wants nothing to do with you. Yet us men think with our penises & always think that "Today will be the day she shows her appreciation.... after I buy her the jewelry, car, & boat." We're so stupid that once we run out of cash she'll run & we'll be heartbroken. But in a few weeks we'll realize how stupid we were.... just in time to do it all again.

The Psycho.
Why did you say hi to her? What were you just looking at? Who were you talking to? Is she prettier than me? Don't talk to her.... you dated her 25 years ago! You don't love me anymore. How dare you go out with your friends to the ball game & leave me alone!

The Stalker.
For some reason she likes you more than the others. She likes you so much she calls several times a day, drives past your house, stops by your job, tries to hang out with your friends &/or family even if you're not around, 18,000 texts a day, & cries if you don't see her every single freaking day.

The Rich Bitch.
They have a ton of cash & nothing to spend it on. At first this isn't bad because she spoils you with almost anything you want but after awhile it gets old as she spends this money she now sees you as her property. You now owe her for everything she bought you.

Then there's my favorite....
The Religious!!
Jesus wouldn't like me doing this.... God doesn't approve of divorce... You shouldn't tell that dirty joke because dirty jokes are a sin.... Oh shut up already.

My real favorite?
The Boyle.
Down to earth. Sexy.
All men should avoid this one.... that way I get her all to myself.

Any additions ladies and gentlemen? Talk it up...............


  1. "The Boyle" that IS about the "Swamp Crotch"!!!!!!!LMAO --- Women wearing unappealing gym attire and thinking they're hot because they worked out so hard and being sweaty just doesn't matter!!!??? eeewwww...

  2. then there is the list of types of women - women should avoid....1. THE SINGLE WHITE FEMALE - she needs to be your bestie a half hour after you meet. She wants to do all the "AMAZING" things you do. She starts dressing very similar to you and then finally gets the same haircut.

    I have had 3 of these! Others pointed it out to me way before I noticed!

  3. I love that picture Dawnie!

  4. Great post Tony, I knew we could count on you!

  5. You forgot the "High Maintenance" Woman! They are of equal opportunity for men and woman on the avoidance list. Always a fun read - Thanks, Tony!

  6. I enjoyed hearing both sides of the story! Good posts Tony and Marion.

  7. I enjoyed all these comments!
    Thank you!!!
