
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


In the Studio with Garyo - Day Four

If you haven't tuned in on Day One, Day Two,  or Day Three, today is Day Four and Nacho is really coming together now. Recently Green Whisker Works, my NY-Based studio, had a contest on FaceBook. The contest was simple, go on the Green Whisker Works page do the "like" thing and then post a picture of your pet. After the deadline, I put everyone's name that posted in a hat a randomly pulled out one lucky winner. The winner was Brenda Dungan Edmonds and her little dog Nacho. So she sent me lots of wonderful pictures of this cute little guy and I set to work on immortalizing him.
I've carved one eye in and now I need to do the second.
 Poof! Now we have two eyes carved. There is a problem, but I'll get back to that as I need a break from the eyes for a bit.
Going for detail work now I start adding fur texture to little Nacho. I'm using a hard plastilene clay that is soft when heated and hard when cold. This lets me both model or add, as well as carve in the clay. That way I can get great detail without having to switch into different medium.
The soft and hard abilities of this clay really help me out when I take a look at the eyes again. If you look back at the pictures showing the second eye carved, you may notice at the moment Nacho the sculpture is wall-eyed. To fix this I can warm up the clay again for one eye socket and reposition the eye in the socket. It still needs a bit more tweaking, but you can see both eyes are now closer to looking at the same spot. So I finish up this day with a bit more fur and hopefully finish the fur and eyes on Day Five.



  1. Can't wait to see the finish! Would be great to see some of your other works!

  2. Go to for more info.
