
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
Deputy Forgey and Gerus
Judge Belvin Perry dismissed the jury a little early today after the testimony of Orange County Deputy Jason Forgey and videos of the canine search for remains. Deputy Forgey remained calm even as Baez poured on the pressure. He was also cross examined intensely by the Prosecution.  The Defense hoped to prove that Forgey was speculating on the behavior of his canine, Gerus.  Forgey reported that his canine jumped into Anthony’s car and made a beeline for the back seat, reaching toward the trunk. When led to the trunk, Gerus gave his “final alert” indicating that he detected the presence of decomposition of a human body. The dog also hit on an area in front of Caylee’s playhouse in the Anthony’s back yard. The impressive record and education of the dog was highlighted, as was the training and experience of Deputy Forgey.
FBI agent Dr. Michael Rickenbach testified today that he found miniscule amounts of dried chloroform residue in the carpet of the car. Baez pointed out that the amount of chloroform found was equal to that of what could be found in cleaning products.  This was in contrast to previous testimony that large amounts of chloroform were found in the air sample.
Judge Perry will start the day tomorrow with the testimony of yet another Canine Officer. He chose to wait until tomorrow rather than keep jurors past their usual end time of 5pm. The judge announced that he had several details to work out which included meals and scheduling for tomorrow.

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