
Monday, June 13, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

Stephen Shaw , evidence examiner for the FBI  testified today that he analyzed hair found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car, along with samples taken from the remains of Caylee Anthony's skull, which were found in a wooded area not far from the Anthony home, six months after the 2-year-old was first reported missing.
Shaw told the jury that he saw further evidence of decomposition on the hairs taken from the skull than on the hair found in the trunk.
The Prosecution hoped to admit a PowerPoint presentation regarding hair evidence however, Judge Perry did not allow it to be submitted.
Following Shaw, Elizabeth Fontaine, Latent Print Scientist for FBI took the stand. Fontaine examined 3 pieces of the duct tape found with Caylee’s remains. Fontaine’s testimony was stiff and seemed to be memorized in part. She directed all her comments right to the jury. She testified that she was unable to find latent fingerprints on the tapes, but on one piece she did find an outline of a heart. The outline was destroyed by the different processes used to try and detect fingerprint before it could be photographed. The heart shape was located about where the mouth of little Caylee would have been covered with the tape. An FBI supervisor also saw the heart shape during Fontaine’s examination.
The testimony this morning was scientific and complicated, but Fontaine was able to break down the technical information so it could be easily understood.  Shaw’s technical testimony on the other hand was dry and difficult to comprehend. Some visitors in the gallery were actually seen yawning. Casey sat with her usual stone faced expression.
Judge Perry told the jury that the State should wrap up their case within the next two days. By Saturday they should have a good idea of how much longer the trial will go on. He estimated that all evidence will be presented by the 25th or 27th of June and the jury should be ready for deliberation at that time. Court was recessed until tomorrow afternoon at 1pm when the State's next witnesses will arrive.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you keep putting Caylee's picture on your posts to remind us just what this trial is about! Thank you.
