
Monday, June 13, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
I’m at that age where my kids are grown and I just can’t wait to be a grandmother! I want both my children to finish college, get a Masters and get a good start in their careers, but I keep hearing the pitter patter of little feet in my dreams.
My daughter finally found the solution to my problem. Today she adopted an adorable Siamese Kitty who she named Takei Tubbington. Takei is a small, thin cream colored cat with dark brown accents.  We found her at the South Brevard Animal Shelter on Otter Creek Road off US1.

Takei Tubbington
We showed up at 10am, not realizing they didn’t open until noon. We stood on the steps for a minute discussing what we should do for a few hours when the door opened and Sharon, the lady who runs the shelter, warmly welcomed us and invited us in. It was like a wonderland for cats. Large, small, skinny, fat, fluffy, bald, old and young cats roamed the entire area. Some were playing with the many toys; some were dozing on window ledges or peeking out of playhouses. All of them were happy, well fed and obviously comfortable and familiar with the ladies who work there.

Stanley is still waiting for a friend!
We walked around and met several beautiful cats, but as we stood at the front desk speaking to Sharon, a little Siamese jumped up and began snuggling with Jeanne. Sharon explained that nobody wanted this particular cat because she had a weak immune system. She didn’t have AIDS, but caught colds and illnesses more easily than the other cats. This kitty played with Jeanne’s long red hair and gazed up adoringly with her big blue “Puss in Boots” eyes! That was it! I knew I had a grand kitty!
Off to the pet store and Wal-Mart we went to get a carrier, a playhouse, bed, litter box, food, dishes, a collar and name tag, toys, toys and more toys, Kitty litter and ……more toys. We arrived back at the shelter with a trunkful of kitty goodies! Takei was ready and waiting for us. I know from this day forward, that little kitty will want for nothing. She will be loved, cared for and cherished all her little life!

Tommy and Clancy are Soul Mates and need a forever home!
But there are so many more cats and kittens left at the shelter! Most are perfectly healthy. Some have special needs, like the one with extra toes which made her paws look like chameleon feet! There was also Bessie, a lovable, beautiful kitty who happens to be HUGE!  Some of the cats are Katrina survivors, some were dumped on highways, streets or over the shelter fence, others were brought to the shelter by people who were moving or who just didn’t want a cat anymore. Whatever their story, they all have one thing in common, they would all love to be in a home with people who would love and care for them. In return, they provide love, companionship, positive energy, and someone who will be grateful and loyal to you for the rest of its life!
So why not stop by your local shelter and consider adopting a new pet. A lovable dog or cat is waiting for you to come and be his new best friend!
Here are a few National pet adoption sites, or you can contact a shelter near you.

Don't forget, June is Adopt A Cat Month!


  1. Great post! And what a cute picture at the end! I hope lots of people will read this and go adopt one of these sweet animals!

  2. Congratulations on your kitty!!! We got our Siamese from the shelter, too. So many wonderful animals just waiting for homes- you did a very kind deed and I can't wait to hear about the adventures of your new little cat.

  3. All I can say is...."Awwwwwww!" <3
