
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
Today’s spectacle in court held some tense and chilling moments for the jury. When Cindy Anthony took the stand and related the finding of Caylee’s favorite baby doll and backpack in the car, she wept and touched everyone’s hearts with her grief. Then when she recounted the events of her 911 phone calls and the jury listened to the tape, it was like time stood still in the courtroom. Cindy Anthony sobbed and could not hold her head up while she relived the horrific moments when she first learned Caylee  was really missing and had been for 31 days. The real shocker came when a cold, almost annoyed   Casey Anthony got on the phone and matter of factly said, yes she was missing, but she was with the nanny. It was later learned that this nanny never existed. The jury stared as tapes were played of jail phone calls with the “F” word scattered liberally in her speech. Some jurors cringed as the words flew. You could almost hear a gasp when Casey announced in one call “Nobody in my family is on my side. … That's all they care about right now, finding Caylee."  Some jurors were reported to have scowls on their faces after this testimony.

As you know, only 50 people from the general public are admitted each day to witness the trial. Tuesday morning a huge line was already forming outside the Orange County Courthouse. (No one is allowed to assemble there before that time). There was a mad scramble to be one of the first 50 and it was compared to the mad dash to get into the stores on Black Tuesday. Luckily, no one was injured in the rush, but I believe we can expect more of the same each day of the trial.
People rush for one of the 50 spots at the Orange County Courthouse

What do you think so far? Were you shocked at all of Casey’s “Imaginary Friends”?  What did you think of her “best friend’s” testimony and slip about Casey acting like a 16 year old who felt guilty over doing something wrong? 
We’ll all have to tune in again today for another episode of:
The Casey Anthony Trial, a Soap Opera in the Making!

1 comment:

  1. Why can't I stop watching this trial???
