
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Dawn Boyle

There are certain things that I pick up immediately, others take a while. When I say a while I mean years... years and years. This year I finally picked up on something that has been going on for so long in my house, it is almost comical as I write this.

This past weekend we celebrated Memorial Day weekend on our boat. We stayed over night. I have to admit my nerves were high as I have a kid that sleepwalks, so I didn't really sleep great. My husband slept like he was dead. He was up on the bed, I was down on the couch with the cushions and two kids.

I guess it all caught up with me. I went to bed the other night thinking I strained my voice from yelling at the kids, but when I woke the next day I was full blown sick. No voice, chills, the whole nine yards. I was up coughing my brains out and spent the entire day sleeping on and off.

My husband called early in the morning and he could tell by my voice that I was not good. Even after I told him that I was going to try to rest for the day, he called three other times. He came home and suddenly was sick and that's when it hit me.....I can NEVER EVER be sick.

His "tummy ache" trumped my fever. He got into bed and didn't have to lift a finger. "The Mystery Husband Illness".

I started to think about the last few times I was sick and realized that every time the exact same thing goes on... even when I had surgery - he was suddenly not feeling good.

So to me there is nothing more wicked then a summer cold or how wickedly odd it is that my husband comes down with a bizarre illness just to not have to deal with helping me out! UGGGH!!!!

Have you ever experienced this? Has "The Mystery Husband Illness" ever struck at your house??


  1. There ought to be a large needle for a shot in the A$$ for that one... a 2x4 to the head might also knock it out. Feel better...

  2. Somebody call the WAMBULANCE!

  3. I like that 2x4 idea!
    Men Rule is obviously one of those crybabies!
