
Friday, June 3, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
Today was a day of jailhouse “reruns” in the Casey Anthon trial. The jury watched videos of phone conversations between Casey and her brother Lee as well as with her parents George and Cindy. Casey complained about investigators twisting her words and stated that she did not trust 2 of the detectives assigned to her case. She gave her brother a list of people she felt she could trust which included her parents. In her conversation with dad, George, who she has since accused of sexual abuse, she told him he was a great dad and the greatest grandfather ever.  She stated that if she couldn’t have Caylee there is no one else she would want the child to be with than her parents.
At one point, Cindy told Casey that everyone was looking for Caylee but then asked Casey to look into her eyes and asked, “Are we going to be able to find her?” Casey’s response was simply “I hope we can, Mom.”
Casey’s parents assured her that they wanted her and Caylee back home. George compared the family to a hand missing 2 fingers.  Both parents expressed concern that Casey was getting thinner and she complained about the “crappy food”.  Twice during the conversation, Casey had to leave the phone and go back to her cell as another prisoner was being brought through the area. She is in isolation for her own protection.
Casey sat stone faced as the videos were played. One juror stared at her as the interviews went on.  Onlookers seemed a bit stunned to actually see Casey telling what has now been shown to be lie after lie to police, her brother and her parents. The details were so convincing that detective Yuri Melich stated that he had difficulty suspecting Casey, even after she led them through the ruse of going to Universal and looking for her office only to have her confess that she made it all up.
It’s hard to know what direction the trial will take in the coming days. Many people fear that the defense will be able to plant a small seed of “reasonable doubt” in the minds of the jury.  Remember, they have not seen the reports, pictures, and other damaging information that is available to us on the news or on the internet. They will make their decision solely on what was presented and proven in a court of law.  Let’s all just pray for the whole truth to be revealed and for justice for little Caylee.

The Orlando Sentinel link has video of both phone conversations with Casey.


  1. Join the latest group: Friends of Yuri!!/pages/Fans-of-Yuri-Melich/107761009303407

  2. I am surprised at my fascination with this case.

  3. I went to high school with Yuri!!!
