
Friday, June 3, 2011


Dawn Boyle
I have lived on Long Island my entire life. I was born in December, but by the summer my parents had me on their boat. We were North Shore water folk then and hung out at Hempstead Harbor and Centre Island beaches when not boating in the Long Island Sound. I get my love for the water from my parents. My mother used to take us to the beach Monday through Friday. We stayed til dinner time every day. During that time we also summered out in East Hampton. We spent our time in the waters of Gerard Drive, playing by the point and trying not to walk past the "dip".

In my early teens I started hanging out on the South Shore religiously, it has been my stomping grounds since. We love Tobay and are there almost every day, but something odd has happened over the past few years.

I remember when I was VERY young finding starfish and hermit crabs. When I was a teen I was too busy finding and catching lifeguards and surfers to worry about sea creatures, but would remember if I did.

It started with my girls finding starfish. I mean LOTS of starfish about two summers ago. A few months after the starfish began they found sand dollars. Then the middle of last summer while sitting at the ocean we saw a school of dolphin swimming and jumping along the coast. This past weekend we had a rather large seal swimming along the shore and two days ago, a little further out east we had sharks.

This all makes my ten year old daughter thrilled because she loves the ocean and hopes to be an oceanographer some day, to me it kinda makes me think something else is going on in our waters. What is with the big change....whatever happened to that Montauk Monster???  LET THE SUMMER BEGIN!!


  1. The marine life is a good sign. I've seen seals that way but never dolphins! That's great.

  2. Jacques-Yves CousteauJune 3, 2011 at 7:19 PM

    You spotted some starfish and a seal.... FASCINATING!
    Keep us posted if you see any more fish in the sea...

  3. Formally a Fan of MLCJune 3, 2011 at 7:27 PM

    Always the charmer Mr. Impersonator!

  4. Thank god you are back!!! We have missed you mr personality!!! Says Dawn on here way to a Lady Party!!

  5. Enjoy playing! If you don't play hard you get old! No better place to play then by the sea!

  6. Jacques-off how many times have you seen seals along the shoreline? How many starfish have you collected?
    Most important when are you going to use your real name? I happened to "read somewhere" recently a blog post about using names vs not using names. I think if you have balls, you use your real name.

  7. Soon. For now im trying to figure out where to put one of those fascinatingly incredible custom animal sculptures....of my cat!! So glad its custom, wouldnt want a knock off of my squishy Puffmypoonie! She is so excited, my little pussy. And the videos? I was glued to the broadcast. Amazing! He should have his own show!!
    I bet your making hand over fist cashola with custom kittie sculptures and flip-o-pajamamama! Pepsi/Coke right around the corner!!!!!

  8. Do us all a favor...YOU get a job and a life, for someone who has a s-load to say about our site, staff and ads...look away if it bugs you so much. Go to another site....we'll still be here living the dream and allowing others to share theirs without passing judgement or making fun.

  9. i enjoy passing judgement.

  10. "Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile." ~Psalms 34:13

    "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? " Luke 6:41

    "You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things." Roman 2:1

  11. “The person who is basically evil by nature will always be averse to virtuous deeds. He is always engaged in bad karma. ”
