
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
The Casey Anthony Murder Trial resumed today. On the stand was crime scene investigator Gerardo Bloise. Baez questioned him as to why he dried out the garbage from Anthony's trunk that was said to have produced the odor of human decomposition. Baez implied that the evidence was altered because of Bloise’s actions. Bloise testified that he followed procedure and that drying actually preserves evidence and makes it easier to examine.
The “Bone Yard” Doctor, Arpad Vass was called for cross examination this morning.  Vass has been described as “quirky” but is considered a credible expert witness. Baez again tried to discredit Vass’ findings by pointing out that garbage from the junk yard where the car was found had not been collected and tested and that the junkyard itself might have contaminated the air samples from Anthony’s car. Vass offhandedly replied that they took all that into consideration and that his findings were valid.  His candid, slightly geeky demeanor has become popular with the public and possibly with the jury. Only time will tell. The court is in recess for lunch and will resume this afternoon.

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