
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Tony Walker

In sports those of us in the baseball world were saddened to hear that hall of famer Gary Carter has 4 tumors in his brain that are inoperable. The tumors are stage 4 which is pretty bad.
Here in NY, the name Gary Carter is very popular. Carter was one the heroes on the 1986 NY Mets World Series Champions.

As a HUGE Met fan, I met Carter on 4 separate occasions and he was super nice and down to earth. None of the times I met him were at a dinner or baseball show where these guys get paid stupid money to appear to give a shit what fans are saying to them. One time I was backstage at a Fleetwood Mac concert of all places and I had a Mets shirt on so Carter came right up to me. We sat and ate dinner together and chatted like old friends. I laughed because my seats for the concert were better than his. Another time I met him was at a Long Island Ducks game. The Ducks are a local team here on Long Island. In 2009 Carter was the manager. My prosthetic leg has a huge Mets logo on it and I had shorts on. So when Carter saw it he was so impressed he came running to me! Check out my Facebook page... my profile pic is Carter and I from that Ducks game.

So the story is Carter was just not feeling himself and was starting to forget simple things so he went to the doctor only to find out that he has cancer. Can you imagine that?? You're feeling fine then one day you don't feel 100% only to find out something like that is going on inside of you and your whole world is turned upside down in an instant!! I know that feeling. My story of finding out I had cancer is very similar to Carter's. I hope none of you will ever find out what that is like.

Carter's playing career also saw him in Montreal, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. So baseball fans from all over know who he is. Let's all send our love to him, his family, and anyone else going through something as horrible as this.

1 comment:

  1. Your empathy & serious side never ceases to amaze me - "funny man"!
