
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Tony Walker
How many of you use the term, "That's a man's job" or "That's woman's work!" Well I am here to say that there is no such thing! It's all work no matter who is doing it.
A relative of mine was getting rid of his kitchen cabinets. Not selling... getting rid of. They are in perfect condition. Since I am poor, have no money to replace my crappy cabinets, & have no pride I said I would take them. So I did.
Yesterday, Monday, was the day my Father In Law & my Uncle Don were going to come over to help me piece all these cabinets together. 
Where are cabinets? On the wall & on the floor correct? Correct.
So why did I have to tell my wife over & over this past weekend that EVERYTHING in the kitchen had to be taken down, removed, etc. in order to get ready??
So why did my wife carry on when she got home from work today when she found out that she would have no kitchen sink for a few days??? 
You're changing cabinets out... you have to remove the counter top. Of course once you start everything snowballs so now we're moving some plumbing & re-sheet rocking the whole kitchen. 
"This is men's work. I didn't know," my wife says. 
No... getting everything out of the kitchen was OUR work... not work for just the one legged man!!!
If I said, "Well I won't help you do the dishes in the bathroom sink because that's woman's work" I would get kicked in the middle leg! (Which I still have thank God) So what's with all this men's work women's work crap?? Don't men help do laundry & dishes? Don't women help work on a car or paint?
Do men automatically understand construction so they should do it? Do women understand cooking better so they should do it? Do you & your partner share these activities?
Tell us what you think.


  1. I do the inside work My Husband does the outside, that is how it works. I don't ask Him to do the dishes He doesn't ask Me to take out the garbage. Sexist maybe but I sure as hell don't want to do garbage. LOL

  2. Hmmm Tony being the typical "stay-at home" Mom. My plate always seems a tad fuller than the normal person. Yet I still work out of house every week and teach karate two nights a week. My parent's were old school and taught me I need to fend for myself so I needed to learn both sides of coin so to speak and if not always keep the the Yellow pages handy.

  3. Some of us have the worst of both worlds right along with the best of both! Stay at home, work, - love marriage - the household - it all takes work. If you are lucky you have someone to conquer and divide with - how you do it matters not if everyone is happy - if not communication is needed and that's work too - all of it is a JOB!
