
Monday, June 13, 2011


Dawn Boyle


What in the world?? Why is it that celebrities and politicians believe that if they turn there major screw up into "needing therapy" or "going to rehab" it makes it all go away?

Better question is why do we let them pull the wool over our eyes? I am not sure how I feel about this guy and his sexting issue. I am not a fan of him obviously cheating on his wife. I am not a fan of how much money it will cost the American people if we have to go through ethic hearings if he refuses to step down from office, but where is that line in the sand? If he wasn't doing it during "working hours" (and really what are working hours for these politicians) it is really any of our business?

Years ago the only way this would be a headline is if someone talked, or if there was someone who was taking a picture of the actual screw up. This dude shot himself in the foot, he put his own ass on the Internet. I am pretty sure he has enough going on at home to with which he is dealing. A pregnant wife. Can't we let that be who deals with this issue? Did I miss something? Was he taking pictures with a government phone? Did he text those photographs using government minutes? Does anyone think MAYBE - just MAYBE the women involved in exposing Mr. Weiner have something up their sleeves? Did he break any rules of the "house" or just those at the Weiner House? I do not think what he did was right, but illegal...nah! He just got caught with his pants many politicians before him! Good luck in rehab Anthony - we will all be here when you get out either to take you back with open arms into the government again or will be lining up to buy your book as soon as the ink drys! Enjoy the mini rehab vacation. I am sure Palm Springs (or wherever you end up) will be wonderful! I am actually sitting here thinking of a way to scam a rehab stint myself...I wonder if there is a rehab for people who are the complete opposite of a sex addict?? Going to google that right now!


  1. UPDATE!!!
    It's called Sex Anorexia. I will be checking into PineGrove in Mississippi for my six week stint in rehab (aka six week vacation) asap! Who wants in?

  2. I too am a Sex Anorexic. Can't We find a Rehab in Caliornia so We can visit Tracy? Im sure Our Husbands won't mind!

  3. Here's the thing Dawn. In certain jobs, lets say working for Computer Associates or King Kullen, when you leave work your private business is yours.

    Many other occupations however, you have to conduct yourself in a morally sound manner 24/7. Politicians are included in this list. You have to be professional at all times. It comes with the job. It's similar to a police officer or an NFL quarterback...

  4. Professional at all times....I will bet the list would be longer for those who are NOT morally sound, be it a police officer, NFL quarterback, attorney, doctor, gas station attendant, bus driver, teacher, clergy OR politician.

  5. "Im a dummy, i just dont get it"

  6. Formally a Fan of MLCJune 14, 2011 at 5:44 PM

    Often the more charming, or outstanding or amazing, etc... they are to the public the bigger the lie behind the persona... There is an endless list of those who fall from grace.

    Alter egos abound! You know and embrace this so well, Mr. Ryan!
