
Monday, June 13, 2011


Tony Walker
With the help of two wonderful people, Barbara & Dawn, I am going to make something happen with a show I wrote with my super duper business partner, April Keough, for our comedy group. We've been told by many people that this show has the potential to be something special. Something will happen.... I can feel it... but one thing I lack is patience. I want something to happen yesterday. I want something happening right now. I need something to happen because my finances are at an all time low & I am in panic mode. Along with panic mode comes the pity party I play on myself. (Or play with myself but that's a whole other story!)

The target audience of the Lounge are the 40 somethings (plus & minus more!), so maybe some of you 40 somethings can identify with what I'm going through.

How many of us grew up thinking that your whole life had to be in place by the time we hit 40 something? A change of career? Starting over? No way! Impossible! While I'd like to think I am a person who thinks out of the box, the truth is in this case I'm not. I am worried that I will lose my house before our show hits. I feel a sense of failure because I am 41 with a wife & 2 kids & I'm all over the place trying to find my place to make my mark. I am so stressed I hardly sleep, I've gained weight, & this 41 year old looks more like a 51 year old.... not that there's anything wrong with that.... but you know what I mean.

Sometimes I can't help thinking that if I had stayed at my job I would only have a few years left until retirement & financially we would be OK. But my job wanted to make me miserable because once I had my amputation they didn't want me. So what kind of life is that if I am miserable? As much as I would've hated my life I can't help think that security might have been a better way to go. Who knows... most likely if I didn't take this chance I'd be in my miserable job wishing I did take this chance. I am so confused!!!

How many of you have changed careers or made some kind of major life change around this age?
Did you feel like a failure?
Did you decide to stay in the safety of a miserable job?
Is this what a mid life crisis is?
Tell us what you think.

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