
Friday, June 10, 2011


Dawn Boyle

I turned 40 in December and started writing a list of things I want to do before I die. I try to add something new each week. I guess this is the beginning of my bucket list. I never saw the movie, but would imagine it is similar to what I am doing.
I never thought of myself as sheltered until I started writing down things I have not yet done. With your help through suggestion help me complete my list. Give me some ideas. I plan on doing at least one a month as soon as my list hits 100. I would love to share my experiences with you and with any luck we will finally be able to get the video's going on the site!

Take a look at my list - tell me what I am missing! Then start your own. Never too early to start fulfilling your dreams.

  1. Learn French 
  2. Try a crazy job like Lion Taming
  3. Get back to the weight I was when I was 18
  4. Run a marathon
  5. Be in a log rolling tournament
  6. Learn how to fence
  7. Go snowboarding
  8. Learn the rules of football
  9. Get a job and quit after a week
  10. Act again 
  11. Open up my own company  
  12. Become very wealthy by doing what I love
  13. Find Ms. Picciano from St. Brigids
  14. Let Ms. Picciano know she was my favorite teacher
  15. Be a mentor to someone
  16. Learn how to play chess
  17. Go skydiving out east
  18. Learn how to mountain climb
  19. Throw a successful surprise party
  20. Make sure my family knows how much I love them and need them
  21. Do a random act of kindness at least once a day
  22. Write a book about growing up the way I did
  23. Drink champagne in a hot air balloon over New Mexico
  24. Play an instrument
  25. Be more charitable
  26. Make someone smile by always having a smile to offer
  27. Watch the sunset alone with my girls
  28. Have breakfast at sunrise on the beach 
  29. See another meteor shower with Tracy while laying on top of a Camaro
  30. See a solar eclipse
  31. Own a cat
  32. Be a wine enthusiast
  33. Have liposuction
  34. Let my hair go gray
  35. Make a speech in front of 10,000 + people  
  36. Have Countess Luann teach me etiquette
  37. Be a matchmaker
  38. Win the lottery
  39. Learn how to Salsa  
  40. Learn Karate
  41. Go on a road trip with Tracy, Jackie and Nicole
  42. Go backpacking in Europe
  43. Pack my bags and set off for a random location with no itinerary planned at all
  44. Live in a different country for at least 6 months
  45. Be in a movie with someone famous
  46. Knit a blanket
  47. Create my dream home
  48. Bake a cake from scratch
  49. See the Rain forest
  50. Go to Greece


  1. How about go on an African Safari...


  2. I can help you with #10.
    You left off making passionate love with Tony Walker!
