
Thursday, June 9, 2011


Flooded With Flashbacks... Continued
Have you ever wished for a night that would never end?
Jillian B. Hart

...the phone rang and she lit up at the sound of his voice. 

“Sorry, work kept me later then planned.  Still up for going out?”

“Yes, ...of course, been waiting for your call!” He could hear the smile through the phone lines.  
“We’ll have a drink, or something... pick you up soon.”
Soon seemed forever.  She’d been ready and waiting.  Grabbed her bar purse and tucked a lipstick inside. Slipped on her favorite white leather boots and darted down the stairs. 
“Going out?” 
“Yes, Daddy.”
“With who?”
She smiled and swayed her head gently back and forth.  “You know who, Daddy.”  His expression beamed approval.  “It’s already late.  Make sure he walks you in.”  Rolling her eyes and laughing, “Always Daddy.”  

Headlights pulled up the slight hill of her street. Truck door slammed.  The clink of the silver cyclone fence quickened her heartbeat.  
“I’ll get the door.  Go say g’night to Mom.”


“Go, you may be an adult, all grown up - but forever my little girl, I’ll get the door.”

“Don’t grill him!”

Laughing “You told me dinner earlier, he’s late.”

Stammering in an almost defending tone, “It was work”.

“I only ‘grill’ the ones I really like... more so him - since he makes you smile like that!”
A strong rap on the side door.
“Daddy behave!  You’ve known him forever,” she called over her shoulder rushing to the den.  “Night, Mom. Don’t wait up. See you in the morning”
“Good Evening.” His voice music to her ears. Them standing just behind her.  Polite to practically a fault, he exchanged small talk with her parents.  
She leaned closer to him and their fingers interlaced.
“We’re gonna go.” She cut off her father as he began to speak.  “Yes, Daddy, he will walk me in, yes, I will put the bolt lock on when I get in. G’nighttttttt”, holding the ending sound playfully as they exited.  

“It’s cool.  Hungry?”


“Checking his watch, great, I know just the place.”
They walked it to the dimly lit Italian place.  The spicy and sweet aromas inviting as they were lead to a small quiet table.  The waitress handed them menus and a  wine list.  “Drinks and dessert?”   More of a statement then a question as he read off the names of the wines.  Secretly impressed as he announced which was best for dessert.  Quite the drinking novice and one drink wonder.  Her nerves peaked a little when he responded, “Bottle, please.”  They talked.  Effortlessly.  A waiter arrived and performed the de-corking ceremony.  Her date seemed completely at ease and having come into his own, sampling the taste after swirling it around the glass and letting it breathe, watching to see it cling to the clear goblet.  There she sat, lost in his eyes, glued to his every word.  Sipping wine and sharing a “to die for” Tiramisu.  Still ribbing her, “How can you be Italian and not have had Tiramisu before tonight, how old are you”?  Stammering reasons, she slid her booted foot between his legs. The impending high heel - enough to warrant a warning of less teasing.  Grinning he stroked her hand.  “You make it so easy to ride you.”  If only... was the thought that made her lose all concentration on whatever words followed next.  No longer threateningly... her foot rotated gently running back and forth the length of his upper thigh hidden from sight beneath the tablecloth.  Delighted to have his full attention and momentarily, the upper hand, errrr, foot. Tiny cups arrived. The scent overwhelming.  “I don’t do coffee, you know that...”  
“Expresso and cordials...” Smiling slyly, “You’ll do it with me.”  Damn if he wasn’t right.  “God, what wouldn’t I? I’ve loved you forever”... the thoughts and voice in her mind trailed off as she tuned back into the moment.  They were endlessly lost in their own world and each other.  The intensity of the conversation broken by realization that the place was closing up around them.  

Outside he slipped his jacked around her and untucked her hair- taking in her musky perfume that danced in the cool crisp air.  “The chariot awaits” he joked.  Slinging his arm around and nuzzling her close to his chest as they walked, steps and heartbeats in syncopating rhythm.  Her arms wrapped round his waist. Friendship on fire with the intimacy of a lovers embrace.  She felt as everything she ever wanted was wrapped around her.  Her heart raced.  Intoxicated by the euphoric ecstasy that hung between them.  The future theirs for the taking... 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Hey did you hear me?”  His voice jolting her from flashbacks back to real world time.  “Where were you, did you leave me?”

“Not for a second! Sorry... lost in a”

He cut her off, “memory”. Holding the glance longer the necessary.  

“Do you have reservations somewhere?” He repeated with anticipation in his words.  The blood rushed through her.  Heat flushed her cheeks and the butterflies danced again within her. Eyes darting over his chiseled face, unable to hold direct contact. 
Breath caught in her throat, yet conjuring every confidence, “I didn’t think”

“I’d need them.” Almost cockily completing her spoken thought.  

Seconds ticked by, feeling like minutes, and the silence was edging on awkward. The loud stillness manifesting the sound of their breathing.

"You don’t!” 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Both of them enraptured by the allure of what was unfolding.  The details the of their travel and arrival at his room an erotic blur of flashing fantasies and memories escorting them to this moment of tangible truth.  
The card key slid through and in an instant they were inside the business suite.  Impeccably untouched, mints on pillows, spread creased, she wondered if he had done more then check in.  She shook off the thought, what did it matter?  Nothing in the entire world mattered but “this”, right here, right now.  
He slid his jacket from her, pushing her hair over one shoulder, then sliding strong hands down her arms and interlocking around her waist.  The pressure of his soft lips nibbling on the back of her neck. She shivered with excitement as her body naturally pressed back against him. Swaying her hips with rhapsody against his rapidly swelling groin. Lifting her head and turning her neck, she massaged her tongue with his.  Her heart pounded so that her own pulse echoed in her ears.  A bit harder.  More passionately they kissed again and again. Lightheadedness enwrapped him as all the blood rushed between his legs. Warm steamy breath escaping their interlinked mouths - bringing goosebumps as they would take in the much needed air.  Bodies pressed together with the arousing aphrodisiac scent of the chemistry between them blissfully transporting them to this heaven they’d never shared. Each move hypnotically inviting the next.  Exploring, tasting and breathing in every bit of the heady lust.  Their loins aching as his hands worked massagingly down the length of her body.  Her hands stroking in mimicking motions over his muscular form.  Enjoying every sensation and touch in unison as they worked to gently rid themselves of the clothing that seemed so binding.  Desperate for the boundless exploration and freedom of near nakedness.  Moaning under the erotic power as she turned to face him.  Breathless as their eyes locked.  The heat from his body met her flesh even without directly contacting her sensual skin.  The kisses trailed the length of her body and fever torched her core as they gracefully fell together onto the bed in the fervor of ecstasy unmatched by anything they had ever before felt or known....

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  STAY TUNED... To Be Continued  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



    AMAZING!!! You really capture the reader!!

    ok this may suprise you but no more entries this a kiddie party....15 screaming eleven year old about buzz kill!!!!

  2. I KNOW!!!!!!
    Just me & you, TMF!
    I'll but the next round here at the lounge, pick your poison... what'll ya have?


  4. I would like to go back to the cab ride

  5. I'm thinking Jill was buying virtual drinks not taking requests. Although if I know Jillian her most vocal fan's input will be duly noted!

    Thanks for always hanging at the lounge TMF!!!

    There is just no explaining the crickets, Jillian. Maybe TMF has a point - go back to Times Square, doesn't the cricket belong there?!

    Another HOT HOT Hart's Desire!

  6. I don't drink....I just read for pleasure!!

    Love hanging out the lounge Barbara!!!

  7. don't drink? Strange - I must of have been out "NOT" drinking with you on Wednesday!


  8. HEY!!! What happens at Mercato......

  9. ....and I got someone else besides me to leave a commennt!!!!!!

  10. This couple has quite a history together. But what does this mean for their future. Should they do this....what will the impact be on the rest of their lives??? You never answered the ?...Are they married?

  11. my guess would be NOT married - way too much passion :)

  12. An affair to RememberJune 11, 2011 at 11:22 PM

    Oh...... SOOOOO MARRIED!
    Just probably NOT to each other!

  13. Brooklyn... Is it an ending or a beginning? Both? Perhaps the impact will change everything FOREVER, and perhaps it changes nothing. Can something so unfinished not have already changed something?

    I'm thinking you won't get your answer from Jillian until the Business Trip is over.
