
Saturday, June 18, 2011


1155 - Frederick I Barbarossa was crowned emperor of Rome.
1429 - French forces defeated the English at the battle of Patay. The English had been retreating after the siege of Orleans.
1621 - The first duel in America took place in the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts.
1667 - The Dutch fleet sailed up the Thames toward London.
1778 - Britain evacuated Philadelphia during the U.S. Revolutionary War.
1812 - The War of 1812 began as the U.S. declared war against Great Britain. The conflict began over trade restrictions.
1815 - At the Battle of Waterloo Napoleon was defeated by an international army under the Duke of Wellington. Napoleon abdicated on June 22.
1817 - London's Waterloo Bridge opened. The bridge, designed by John Rennie, was built over the River Thames.
1861 - The first American fly-casting tournament was held in Utica, NY.
1873 - Susan B. Anthony was fined $100 for attempting to vote for a U.S. President.
1898 - Atlantic City, NJ, opened its Steel Pier.
1915 - During World War I, the second battle of Artois ended.
1918 - Allied forces on the Western Front began their largest counter-attack against the German army.
1925 - The first degree in landscape architecture was granted by Harvard University.
1927 - The U.S. Post Office offered a special 10-cent postage stamp for sale. The stamp was of Charles Lindbergh’s "Spirit of St. Louis."
1928 - Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as she completed a flight from Newfoundland to Wales.
1936 - Charles ‘Lucky’ Luciano was found guilty on 62 counts of compulsory prostitution.
1936 - The first bicycle traffic court was established in Racine, WI.
1939 - The CBS radio network aired "Ellery Queen" for the first time.
1942 - The U.S. Navy commissioned its first black officer, Harvard University medical student Bernard Whitfield Robinson.
1948 - The United Nations Commission on Human Rights adopted its International Declaration of Human Rights.
1951 - General Vo Nguyen Giap ended his Red River Campaign against the French in Indochina.
1953 - Seventeen major league baseball records were tied or broken in a game between the Boston Red Sox and the Detroit Tigers.
1953 - Egypt was proclaimed to be a republic with General Neguib as its first president.
1959 - A Federal Court annulled the Arkansas law allowing school closings to prevent integration.
1959 - The first telecast received from England was broadcast in the U.S. over NBC-TV.
1961 - "Gunsmoke" was broadcast for the last time on CBS radio.
1966 - Samuel Nabrit became the first African American to serve on the Atomic Energy Commission.
1972 - A BEA Trident crashed just after takeoff from London Airport. All 118 people on board were killed.

1975 - Fred Lynn of the Boston Red Sox hit three home runs, a triple and a single in a game against the Detroit Tigers.
1979 - In Vienna, U.S. President Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) 2.
1982 - The U.S. Senate approved the renewal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act for an additional twenty-five years.
1983 - Dr. Sally Ride became the first American woman in space aboard the space shuttle Challenger.
1984 - Alan Berg was shot to death outside his home. Two white supremacists were convicted of civil rights violations in the murder.
1996 - Richard Allen Davis was convicted in San Jose, CA, of the 1993 kidnap-murder of 12-year-old Polly Klaas.
1997 - Sirhan Sirhan was denied parole for the 10th time. He had assissinated presidential candidate Robert Kennedy in 1968.
1998 - The Walt Disney Co. purchased a 43% stake in the Web search engine company Infoseek Corp.
1998 - Nine commemorative U.S. postage stamps were reissued. The stamps were considered to be classically beautiful examples of stamp engraving.
1998 - "The Boston Globe" asked Patricia Smith to resign after she admitted to inventing people and quotes in four of her recent columns.
1999 - Walt Disney's "Tarzan" opened.
2000 - In Algiers, Algeria, the foreign ministers of Ethiopia and Eritrea signed a preliminary cease-fire accord and agreed to work toward a permanent settlement of their two-year border war.
2002 - In Jerusalem, a suicide bomber killed 19 people and injured at least 50 more on a city bus. The Islamic militant group Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.
2009 - NASA launched the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter/LCROSS probes to the Moon. It was the first American lunar mission since Lunar Prospector in 1998.
2009 - Greenland assumed control over its law enforcement, judicial affairs, and natural resources from the Kingdom of Denmark. Greenlandic became the official language.

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