
Saturday, June 18, 2011


Barbara Ward-Finneran
Before me the light dances with the clouds. Shadows dart and the scenes slip from sight endlessly changing with a touch of grace from the heavens. Bright light falls behind the darkness. Amber hues beg for it to be known that loves illumination is still present. Still real even when hidden from all views. Even when forced from the forefront. Ever glowing and rebounding. Seemingly beaming stronger with every change and recovery. Each Ray that fights for light promising that from the darkness the warmth of light is born and when embraced is appreciated beyond measure. Life blends moments of unobscured light with wandering in the wanes of the overcoming blue blackness. The depths of neither can be comprehended without the other. For they exist endlessly not in spite of the way they compete to be, but rather because the greatest darkness, or the perfection of brilliance illuminated, does not have life without it's counterpart. Light in the darkness, is to love, as the air that we breathe is to life, as the full moon will forever be to night.

Authors Note: Written in the darkness of the morning of 6-18-11's full moon
Barbara Ward-Finneran and Drawn 2 Design, LLC

All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, no comments?! What does a person have to do to get a comment? Wake up readers of DRL! Have did you let this one slip by? Beautifully written and heart-felt. Barbara, you do provide food for the soul. Please keep doing so.
