
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Dawn Boyle
A 62 year old woman was killed yesterday in a head-on collision with a suspected shoplifters on the run escaping the police. The shoplifters were running with True Religion jeans stolen from the Tanger Outlets in Suffolk County, New York.

I feel so bad for the husband of the woman who was killed. He was in the car with her and he survived the crash. I am sure their family has been rocked by this sudden and completely avoidable tragedy.

Was it necessary for the police to be in pursuit of the three shoplifters? I think high speed chases are completely pointless. It seems to me that a majority of the time innocent lives are taken and additionally the police officer is put in harms way as a result. It seems that for us to get the "bad guys" we put numerous lives in jeopardy and usually over something as benign as a few pairs of jeans.

I think it should be considered by law enforcement to make these chases obsolete for menial law breakers. Many lives will be saved and normally the "bad guys" get arrested anyway...bad guys always get caught!


  1. My guess is that the shoplifters will now be charged with murder.
    I go back & forth on this topic. If there was no high speed chase there would be no death & the shoplifters wouldn't be charged with murder. They'd only be charged with shoplifting & hopefully would learn their lesson then move on to become good citizens. Instead they'll be charged with murder & have no chance in life.
    On the other hand if they didn't rob the store in the first place none of this would happen. I'm sure the family of the woman who was killed want these people thrown in jail forever.
    What a tragedy all around.

  2. yep....that's correct Tony! Another crime on a much larger scale was committed because of the chase. NOT NECESSARY!!!!
