
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

HE SAID.....

Tony Walker
One thing men are known for is the ability to think with the brain between the legs instead of the one on top of their head. Every thought a man has comes from between his legs. Every motive men have is sexually related.

Woman on the other hand do not have a brain between their legs but the brain on top of their head controls the sexually related stuff very well.

Just about every woman I have been with do not get the same sexual urges as men. If something is wrong in a man's life he will always feel better with some lovin'. Women can't get the crisis out of their head and won't even think about sex until the crisis is at least somewhat under control. When things are going great men like to celebrate with sex. Women may go for some nookie at this point but it is rarely at the top of their list.

My wife & I are currently going through a crisis. Of course I am always looking for a little something. She says she can't concentrate on that right now. Today the crisis is not over but it's better so of course I am looking for something again. She says she needs to calm down from the crisis. Even when things are quiet, most women have a reason. Then when the men bug them enough the women throw their hands up and agree to some but it's obvious they're just shutting the men up.

I've known 2 or 3 women in my life who were as charged up as I am.... damn I miss those girls. I need to find out what's in their diet and give it to my wife!

Ladies, what exactly is your thought process?

Is there something wrong with trying to get some lovin during a crisis? It definitely eases some tension doesn't it?

When things are going well what better way to enjoy life than with some lovin'? You're sharing an intimate moment with your man! They call it making love for a reason!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the crickets here Tony...
    I decided my comment was just too long... so I SHE SAID it.
