
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


We’ve all been there, crazy about some guy who is absolutely wrong, wrong, wrong for us. Odds are he fits into one of these categories:
“The Narcissist”: Thinks he’s cool, gorgeous and you’re lucky to be with him. He’ll choose himself over you every time and wonder why you don’t agree.  This type of guy lowers your self-esteem, shakes your self-confidence and thinks that all your friends are mad about him so he flirts shamelessly, thoroughly embarrassing you. I dated a Narcissist and experienced all the above. Once you escape and the spell is broken you wonder how you could have been so blind and stupid to have fallen for such a jerk.
“The GQ Guy”: He’s overly concerned about his appearance, his clothing, the car he drives, and expects you to dress, act, and speak, so as not to reflect badly on him. He tends to criticize easily but can never admit a flaw in himself. He can make you believe you are too fat, too plain, too talkative, too unfashionable and too demanding. He is a specialized type of Narcissist.
“The Gusher”: He’s full of compliments, usually trite and insincere. He flatters and makes small talk to make you feel “special” and plays up the sensitivity bit. He lets you know he’s in touch with his “feminine side”.  This is the guy who borrows a friend’s puppy to attract chicks!  While he pretends to be interested in your feelings he’s really only interested in feeling you up!
The “Manly Man”: These men feel that women exist for two reasons. There are the women to marry and bear your children, pose for the family portrait and keep your household in order. The second is the playmate for sexual pleasure and release of tension for working so hard for wife and family. The wife should understand this need and look the other way; after all, boys will be boys! These are the Prince Charles, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and John Edwards of the world.
The “Pathetic Loser”: This is the guy who tries to win you through your sympathy. “I have no one.”; “I’m misunderstood and mistreated by women.” He makes you feel like you are the only one who can help him and make his life worthwhile. In reality, he will be a constant drain on your energy and time. His neediness with consume you, always trying to build him up and make him feel better about himself. The truth is, no one can make a person feel good about himself but himself!
I’m sure there are many other “types” to avoid, but these are some of the one’s I’ve encountered in my past. I hope some of you will feel free to add to this list as per your own experiences. Maybe we can help other women avoid the mistakes we’ve made in the past!
I know that a man could easily construct a list of types of women men should avoid as well.  I’m certainly open to seeing one myself!

How about it Tony?


  1. ok where was this avoid list many years back . I so could have used it then. Any advice on what to do if you have one of these men in your life.. UGH

  2. That goes to you Marion......

  3. I know Patty, unfortunately, I compiled this list from personal experience! Luckily, I found the perfect guy in the end!

  4. Ok so Marion I will be the like the childhood fairytales and wish someday for my prince to come instead of the toads I have encountered in my life. Thanks anway :)

  5. Just sent my list to the hotties at DRL. Get ready!!!

  6. Oh, dear Lord Jesus!

  7. Do tell! When's it posting?!
    Oh..... Marion, you opened a can of worms!!!

  8. Ok so were be Tony's list at?

  9. Will post later today! :)
