
Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Jillian B Hart

"What and if... Two non-threatening words that when put together can haunt you for the rest of your life." Ah, yes, the movies always have the words.  But how often have you caught yourself questioning life along those lines?

There are people that come in and out of our lives and leave us forever, never the same.  What if I never met you.  Everyone has those people in their lives.  The ones where you know - you wouldn't be who you are if not for them.  There are some that are your favorites over the years.  That made your face light up and the stars shine in your eyes. Some that go in and out of your life.  Some that have screwed things up or made things better.  Sometimes you were open.  They were closed.  Vice versa. Old friends.  Old loves.  Both.  Nostalgia can be something to revel in and it can also be a wicked place to dwell.  Especially on those occasions when and if you have too much time to think.  It can haunt you or wrap around you with indescribable comfort like a blanket fresh from the dryer on a cold day. Nostalgia - you never know which way it will hit.  You smile... but silent tears speak volumes.  Happy or sad.  Both. You smile in the warmth of the memories, but there are the select few who know.  Who can look in your eyes and see the sorrow behind the sparkle.  Who know that to this day, despite the happiness you hold, you wonder, "what could of been"...

Are there some people in this life that you never get over?  That you just cannot live without. That will forever own a piece of your heart. Like it or not! That you will forever wonder about.  Think about.  Question if you should of zigged when you zagged.  Forgetting them, is like forgetting to breath. It's an impossibility. You can close your eyes and imagine the image of them that is imprinted on your heart and shiver at the thoughts and dreams of a life that never happened.  Are there days that you wonder... How did I even get here?  Days that you wish you could dance again.  Laugh again. See your smile reflected back to you in their eyes again. Are there days you wonder can you ever go back?  You can't go back. No one can. Can then exist now? Should you even let it?

When life has taken you down one path... how do you forget the other?  How do you breath with no air?  Some days it's just hard to breathe.

Life goes on and you live it.  Make yourself happy in it.  Shine like the sun.

Breathe in the memories...  Breathe, just breathe...
'Cause if you don't breathe - you die.


  1. Oh Jillain that dreaded "What IF" haunts me on most days I wake up. Loved loved this article ..nice work.

  2. Thanks Patty! It's just be me and the crickets if not for you!

  3. Great Post Jill!!

    If you look on my wall where I posted it on facebook someone commented they had a problem with commenting on the site...FLUCKING BLOGGER!

  4. What and are so right they can haunt you. Im very into music and one of my favorite lines of all choke on the regrets.....what and if remind me of regrets.....I try not to think of regrets and what and if.....but rather think of them as lessons.

    Great post my friend!!!

  5. If you never get lost in nostalgia... you probably didn't live enough! Breathe, just breathe!
