
Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Dawn Boyle

The Wicked Mommies strike again!

Two times in the past week I have been told by friends about such mean things. The first was when a friends daughter was the ONLY ONE left out of the class to be invited to a birthday party. We have rules in our school about not handing out invitations. They must be mailed to avoid anyone feeling left out. I understand that Kiddie Parties can cost a million dollars, but to invite everyone from a class and specifically leave someone out is just MEAN MOMMY! I wouldn't care what my kid said when doing the invite list it would've been ALL OR NOTHING!

My other friend I bumped into online at a store, she told me about how WICKED MOMMIES were making her so upset by telling her how bad a job she was doing that she volunteered to do. My advice to her was SCREW THEM! We volunteer to do things for our children - NOT THE WICKED MOMMIES! Wicked Mommies are usually the ones who just have big mouths, but don't really contribute to helping out the cause! Wicked Mommies don't realize how much their children benefit from our kindness!!

We...and I say "WE", are grooming little bitches my friends! When you allow your child to see you act a certain way to certain people they follow suit! My daughter comes off the bus at least twice a week crying because of a WICKED MOMMY kid. I have called the school, but truth is the school can't do anything about how a WICKED MOMMY acts. Is that something I should handle on my own?? Should I be opening up cans of whoop ass all over town because of WICKED MOMMY KIDS??

I think not! The story is as old as time....everyone wants to be the cool kids. I find the ones who certainly weren't when they were in high school are trying to relive some sort of GLORY DAY by being WICKED MOMMIES now. Being in a clique gets you NO WHERE MOMMIES!!

My philosophy on life is this - BE FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE...the more the merrier! It's bull crap that "3" can't play together - guess only happens when they hear you say that OR when you don't step up and threaten the "party" to be over if EVERYONE IS NOT INCLUDED!

Take a minute....ARE YOU A WICKED MOMMY??? If you think you might be - fix it or


  1. I'm a wine down Wednesday type of Mommy!!!

    Great post my friend!!!

  2. TMF... Not talking to me today?!?!

    Wicked Mommies are never good... in any way shape or form.

  3. Thanks TMF!!!

    Jillian - maybe the Wicked Mommies need to do that Seven Day thingy you had suggested....might make them LIGHTEN UP!!!

  4. Here you go Dawn... But I fear you are peaching to the choir!


    Read on...

  5. As I have been saying for several years now.. (Bitchy) mommies are the new middle-schoolers. I don't need to be besties with everyone but I'll always be friendly and kind. It's important to me to be a good example to my kids. Sadly, this topic could be a weekly column.

    And I am sooooo a wine down Wednesday kinda mommy..!! xo

  6. Dawn the funniest comment was that they were the uncool girls in high school trying to be mean girls now! Love your post!

  7. It's nice to be important~ but more important to be nice......just a few words of wisdom.

  8. <3 my WINE MOMMIES!!

  9. JILL.....I will always talk to you.....I was at work and should not have commented on Dawns post anyway!!

    shhhhh.....dont tell my boss!!!

  10. No worries, TMF... I'm GOOD with secrets! ;)

  11. Teach by example what you want your kids to learn. Matter not what you say - matters what you do!!!

  12. As my dear old Mom used to say "action speak louder than words", "if you got nothing nice to say say nothing" and "a classic kill them kindness".

    Mean Mommies and Dads( may I add )make nasty middle schoolers. I'm dealing with that with my middle child and let me tell you mention you will have an Educational Advocate come visit the Principal use best believe the school starts paying more attention.

    Being a teacher in the Martial Arts we always tell students what you do you "own it" and it can't be taken back. So think before you speak or act.

    And where do I sign up for the Wine down Wednesday group/ lol

  13. "...What you do you "own it" and it can't be taken back. So think before you speak or act." Love it! Works for any parent or teacher. Find those teachable moments and use them. Empower your kids to speak up for themselves, using words like "stop", "I don't like that", you hurt my feelings" rather then dismiss as just tattling or telling them to ignore rather then communicate to correct. Do the right thing and intervene when needed.

    OT: As for Wednesday wine down --- It's Thursday - and what a Thursday already - what's one up and stronger then WINE?!??! Anyone? Vodka straight up Thursdays?!?!?
