
Thursday, July 14, 2011


DRL Writers, Patty, Marion and Barbara
A meeting of the DRL Redheaded Writers was held on July 12th.    
 Having 3 of our talented crew of writers in the same city at the same time was an occasion we just couldn’t help celebrating! Patty, Barbara and Marion met for a few hours discussing important issues and making some critical decisions. One important issue that was resolved with expert decision making skills was dessert. Patty chose the double chocolate brownie (large by the way) while Marion and Barb shared the dessert trio (apple cobbler, bread pudding and double chocolate brownie). It’s easy to see why DRL is such an outstanding blog with decisions like this being made on a daily basis!
Another issue that was brought up was salaries. We voted to give ourselves a huge raise. Barb suggested we simply add another zero to our present salary. The resolution was unanimously approved raising each of our salaries to $0000.00 from $000.00 per month. We can all say we make a four digit salary per month now!
I must say, we missed our other DRL family members, but Dawn and Jenn are blondes, Robert always wears a hat or a hood so I don’t know what the heck his hair color is, Jillian is too mysterious to publish anything but her lips and Tony… well, he may have been a redhead at one time! We’ll have to ask him!
One of these days we plan to have a full staff meeting. At that time we’ll have many decisions to make. What restaurant for dinner? Boating or sunbathing? Wine or margaritas? Decisions, decisions! Whatever we decide, I know we’ll have a blast because I know these wonderful people I work with at DRL are the smartest, kindest, funniest and most caring people anyone could hope to know. I’m privileged to be a part of this blog and I hope that someday soon I will get to meet each of my DRL family members in person. Until then, I’ll just enjoy hanging with them at Delayed Reaction Lounge! 


  1. This was a funny post!!
    Looking forward to my $000.00 check!!
    I had a redhead once.... was that the question?

  2. Hey Tony, we wouldn't leave you out of the raise! You're making $0000.00 too!

  3. Wait just a minute.... I did NOT get a memo about this meeting. Hair color matters not - I'm not telling! But I would have taken a ride to hang for lunch!

  4. Cute post. It seems like you all get along pretty well!

  5. The best staff meeting ever and to end with that decandent Brownie thingy ma bob (Tony I would have shared it with you too). I was in a chocolate bliss for the remainder of the day :)
