
Thursday, July 14, 2011

PARANORMAL PUB: The Body Under the Bed, A TRUE Story

Johnny’s fiancé told him she changed her mind that night. She didn’t want to get married and she didn’t want to be with him. Vietnam had already taken its toll on him, but this was the final blow. He climbed on his motorcycle and drove it right into a brick wall. He was dead on impact.
I only knew Johnny as the man across the street with the piercing blue eyes. I was only 11 and when he used to wave and smile, I got a funny feeling in my stomach. He was very handsome and muscular and was always zooming off on his motorcycle. When I heard that he was dead, I felt a kind of shock. I couldn’t believe I wouldn’t see those blue eyes again.
The dreams started not long after. I would be standing by the side of the road and Johnny would be looking right into my eyes as he drove into the brick wall. There would be blood and body parts everywhere and I would just stand there. I’d wake up in a cold sweat and couldn’t go back to sleep.
They got worse. I started to imagine his body was beneath my bed. I’d wake up screaming. I could smell the decay. My sister and my parents would come running, but I couldn’t be consoled. Night after night; the dream, the terror, the stench. I thought it would go on forever.
After a few months, my sister convinced my parents that I needed professional help. They were discussing whether or not to take me to a psychiatrist. This was the 60’s. You didn’t see a psychiatrist unless you were really over the edge. My parents hesitated and I began to pray.
I prayed that God would release me from my terrors and that Johnny would rest in peace. I prayed that I could have my life back and that Johnny could move on to his afterlife. At this point, I was pale with dark circles beneath my eyes. My hair was dull and my eyes had no spark. I began to look like a corpse myself.
Then one night, I woke from my sleep. A bright light was shining in my bedroom door. The door opened slowly and the light grew even brighter. Suddenly I saw the image of Jesus slowly entering my room. He was smiling at me as He came to my side and got down on one knee. He bent down and reached under my bed, pulling Johnny’s body out gently. He took Johnny in his arms, cradling him like a child and stood up. He smiled a warm and loving smile once more, turned, and walked out of my room. The door closed and the light slowly faded. I pinched myself to see if I was really awake – I was. Funny, I wasn’t afraid, I wasn’t in shock. I was surprisingly calm. I lay back down and slept.
The next morning, my parents looked at me in confusion. My cheeks were pink, my own blue eyes bright. My hair was shining and I looked happy and healthy. My prayers were answered. After that night I never had the dream again. I’m able to think of Johnny without fear or terror, just with fond memories of his beautiful blue eyes and winning smile. I know he’s finally at peace.