
Thursday, July 28, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

It‘s been 25 years since my best friends promised to follow me down to Florida to live. Finally, they decided to buy a house so they could be snowbirds!  I went with the real estate agent and looked at house after house for them, but none seemed right. My friends looked at the listings on line and set up more appointments and still, we couldn’t find a thing. I suggested the real estate agent widen his search to a certain area I happened to like, as my sister bought a house there and loved it. A particular house came up that was in their price range and met their qualifications, so I was going to see it. In the meantime, my friend’s father died and so she and her husband made plans to fly down. While they were here, we all decided to go and look at the house. As we pulled up, I had such a feeling of “this is it”! I didn’t say anything, but I had a strong feeling that they would be buying this house.
We went inside and my friend stopped abruptly as she walked in the door. She looked to her right with a surprised look on her face. “What is it?” I asked. “I’ll tell you later”, she said and moved cautiously into the living room. The house was absolutely perfect. It had everything they wanted and more. After checking out all the rooms and the property, my friend took me back to the front door. This is what she told me.
“When I walked in, I saw an old woman standing there.(pointing to her right by the closet door). This was her house. She’s dead now. She said I was welcome here and she wanted us to be here.”
“Where was she?” I asked. “Right here,” my friend told me as she opened the closet.  Inside was an oxygen machine and medical tubing. The realtor walked over and said, “Oh, I’m sorry. We’ll get that out of here. This is an estate sale, you know, and the lady that owned the house died recently. That was her oxygen machine.” 

My friends are the now the new owners of this house and feel both welcome and blessed in their new home.


  1. Seriously creepy!

  2. I have to tell you, I love these creepy stories you come up with. They leave you thinking! Keep 'em coming!
