
Thursday, July 28, 2011


Tony Walker

Last Saturday, July 23rd, I went to a friend's house for a get together with some good friends. Had a great time and left the party at 130AM. At this time I noticed something that really disturbed me.
The party was in East Meadow, Long Island, NY. As I was driving through the town I saw many kids walking the streets. Not a single kid was old enough to drive.

I drove 2 friends who live in NYC to the train station in Wantagh so they can catch a train home. Again I saw more young kids on the streets.

Then I drove one more friend home to Massapequa. Again I saw more kids roaming.
As I was driving to my home which is on the Seaford/Wantagh border, I saw 2 kids sitting on a sidewalk making out. There is no way these 2 were old enough to drive.

If a kid is not old enough to drive that means they have to be under the age of 17 right?
That means I saw a ton of kids under 17 roaming the streets in between 1:30- 2 in the morning!!!
I don't know about you guys but if I was out roaming at that time of night at that age my mother never would've let me reach driving age!

And there is no way my kids will allowed to stay out that late at that age!!!
Am I crazy or do you guys agree with me? Am I starting to sound like an old fuddy duddy or no? I was just shocked to see so many kids out there!! Is it safe for them to out there at that time?
Please tell us what you think.


  1. I grew up with a VERY early curfew. I had to be in with street lights til JR High, then it jumped til 10. I remember being allowed to stay out til Midnight for a prom I was invited to...not making that 12:00 curfew screwed me til I was out of high school.

    We used to hang out at Hidden Park or the green. We had 50 yardline parties, hung out at Roosevelt beach but NEVER walked the streets. Probably because we were in some randoms car (who was most likely drinking) going from here to there.....might be safer walking now a days!

  2. I roamed the streets all the time... sorry if I made it look like that was part of the issue.
    My concern was how late these kids were out roaming.
    I too had an early curfew. My friends were staying out later than me but not til 2AM!!!
    Was anyone allowed to stay out until 2 on any random night (not counting proms or special occasions) when they were 15/16 years old? I wanna hear from you if you were!!
