
Monday, August 1, 2011



Last week I had a day of shopping planned. My new niece will be Christened next month and we were out looking for the must haves for her big day. It happened to be about 110 degrees outside and we were starving. Right next to the children's boutique is a burger joint I probably have passed a gazillion times in my life, yet never stopped in. It's one of those places that you think to yourself...that place is probably really good, but then keep going. Don't pass up on this place next time!

We walked in and it was like we stepped back into time...a real 1950's feel. We instantly were made comfortable by our super friendly waitress. She offered us the best seats in the house with their close proximity to the air-conditioner. Drinks were ordered and the Trivia Pursuit cards came out. My sister-in-law ordered a veggie wrap with sweet potato fries, Sarah my eldest daughter Thai wings, Gracie her old reliable chicken nugget and fries. I decided to go with a flat bread pizza. Everything was awesome! Portions were great! The waitress asked us a few times if we would like free refills of our drinks.

The bill came and we were pleasantly surprised at how incredibly reasonable our meal was! Long Island Cheeseburger is under new management and the two guys who took it over were both really nice guys who took the time to talk to us. They are proud of their new endeavor and I looking forward to them reaping the rewards of good food, great atmosphere, and VERY reasonable pricing!

BEST OF LUCK TO LONG ISLAND CHEESEBURGER! Next time you are down in Wantagh, New York check it out! It's worth it!!

3261 Merrick Rd.,
Wantagh, NY


  1. Dawn I had the exact experience with the very same place about 2 years ago. I found it expensive though. You say it's under new management so maybe they changed the prices.
    I won't even comment about you being in my neighborhood & no call came my way.

  2. Not expensive at menu was same price as Burger King. They have daily specials as well! Gotta get the wings - AWESOME!
