
Monday, August 1, 2011


The story of Diane Schuler and

Tony Walker

The other night I was watching a documentary about the accident in upstate NY where a woman was driving on the wrong side of the parkway & ended up hitting a car straight on, killing 8 people including herself.
Prayers & well wishes were coming in from all over the world when this tragedy happened. At the same time everyone was wondering what happened? Did the woman have a heart attack? A stroke?
A few days later the police dept revealed that this woman had traces of alcohol & pot in her system.
The prayers turned to hate.
While I too felt outraged at towards this woman, I couldn't believe the things that were said about this woman according to this documentary. Any four letter word you can think of was used. But what upset me the most was a web site that spotlighted all the people you'll see in hell. This woman was one of them. It was an actual web site, decorated to look like hell with the faces of the people you'll see there.
I'm sorry.... I completely understand the anger people are feeling, especially the families who were involved, but there is something wrong when society allows this kind of hate to be spread. The woman is dead. Is spreading this kind of crap for her husband & child to see going to help? Was the child the one who drove the car? I don't get it. I'm not knocking anyone... I'm just saying that I think it's sad that people feel that level of hate.
The family of this woman are attempting to clear this woman's name by trying to have new tests done but so far they have not had much luck. Everything looks like it was handled correctly.
If everything was handled correctly then this woman got off easy by dying. She never had to face the families of those she affected. However the spread of hate does not change a thing & just causes more damage. I don't know.... I've never been involved in a situation like this. Maybe if I was I would feel differently. Hopefully I'll never be involved in something as tragic as this.
The closest I ever came was back in 94 or 95 I was doing some conduit work for a bridge expansion. I was carrying a 20 foot PVC pipe when a drunk driver blasted through the job site & hit the pipe I was carrying then crashing into the pallet full of pipes. The pipe I was carrying went into a million pieces & I was shaking in my boots. I was furious with this man but that doesn't mean I wanted things said about him on web sites. The authorities caught him & that's enough for me.
Tell us what you think. Have you ever been in an unfortunate incident like this & felt so much hatred?

1 comment:

  1. I want to believe that there was something wrong with Diane and that she was not drunk....either way it changed many families forever. May they all rest in peace including Diane Schuler.
