
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Study the photo, read the prose and visualize!

Photo by Cheryl Lamotte

When I stand beside the ocean and the waves come crashing in;
the brilliant blue expanse of sky stretched out to meet the sea,
I feel the pull upon my soul and long to join the dance;
To know the timelessness and joy, that sets my spirit free.

Wet grey sand with diamond crystals washed with white capped rolling waves;
Sound of freedom, scent of memories, thoughts of what could be.
I close my eyes and feel it as it imprints on my soul.
The strength of water, wind and time becomes the strength in me.


  1. All I can say is AHHHHHHHHHHH. Nice pictures are they for sale? I could use one of those in my stress filled home.:0)

  2. I agree with Patty B. Does the photographer have a studeo or gallery? If so, where is it located? Thank you.
