
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
                                                                               Photo by TMz

The judge who ordered Casey Anthony back to Florida to serve probation for check fraud stepped down from that case today. Jose Baez , attorney for Casey Anthony, warned she would be in danger if she has to return from an undisclosed location.
Circuit Judge Stan Strickland recused himself from the case two days after signing an order that Anthony had to report for a one-year-probation term. Strickland did not say why he was removing himself, but Anthony's defense lawyers had accused him of prejudice after he gave television interviews about Anthony's acquittal last month in her trial on charges of murdering her child.
Anthony has until 10 a.m. Thursday to report to the Orlando probation office.Unless a judge changes the probation order, Casey Anthony must report to the Orlando intake office. Once she is in the system, her address and income information could become a public record unless an exception is made because of safety concerns.
Casey’s probation terms would include having to report monthly to a probation officer, avoid drugs and excessive alcohol, get a job, and no firearms or association with know criminals.
Anthony  disappeared from public view right after her acquittal by a jury in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. She was convicted of lying to detectives but released from jail because of time served. Baez said bringing Anthony back to Orlando would only add to what he called the "circus-like atmosphere" around her case. News of a possible sighting of Anthony has been hitting the news with photos, causing quite a stir. (Anthony had relatives living in Ohio.)
"This thing is over and done. And for some reason things seem to keep coming up again for no apparent reason, for absolutely no apparent reason, other than let's just keep this thing going, let's just keep this madness going and engage in the circus-like atmosphere that is called the Casey Anthony case," Baez said.
Baez reported that there were threats against Anthony because of her acquittal. He expects Orange County would have to provide security if she was forced to return.  Anthony's attorneys included a flyer in their motion that showed a doctored photo of Anthony with a bullet mark on her forehead. Text underneath the photo reads in part, "With a forehead that big, the headshot will be easier."

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