
Thursday, August 4, 2011


Dawn Boyle

What is the story with people and their fascination with Pythons?
A few months ago, Marion wrote a story called Pet Python. It got hits the day it ran, but nothing earth shattering. Since the original post date Pet Python has been in the top ten of the highest traffic source. Marion wrote again about the horrible story of a young child being killed by the snake and the parents going to jail...again - BAM! People are all over Delayed Reaction Lounge in search of information and/or stories about Pythons.
What gives? What is the draw? Tell us you python lovers out there....we will be more than happy to give you more snake stories if that is your desire.
I hope while you are reading Marion's Python tales you poke around...we have something for EVERYONE here at DRL....don't miss our very own Buxom Blogging Temptress Jillian. Grab a laugh with Tony. Marion's other stories of ghostly happenings and her love for nature and it's creatures, or check out what Barbara and I have to say in our posts. Rumor has it Jenn Copp will be back soon as well!
Thanks for stopping by the Lounge, grab a drink and hang for a while...we LOVE the company!

Below are some interesting facts about pythons...and also links to our writers and their favorite stories!
Pythons are a group of large non-venomous snakes that belong to the family Pythonidae. They are found in the continents of Asia, Africa and Australia. About 26 species of Pythons exist in the world. Pythons are ambush predators. They attack their prey all of a sudden even before their presence is witnessed. A typical python kills its prey by a process called constriction. Python grasps its prey and wraps its body around it. Without any hesitation, it increases the number of turns around its prey. As a result, the pressure on the prey increases and the prey is forced to stop inhaling. This eventually kills the prey or makes it unconscious. The python then easily swallows the unconscious prey. It may take several days for the prey to be completely digested.
Dawn Boyle - SOCIOPATH....

Barbara Ward
Jillian B. Hart
Tony Walker

Marion Ambrose
Jenn Copp


  1. Python lovers? You're calling out to Python lovers!? Ape lovers too apparently! And of course the daily Casey Anthony "copy n paste" update.

    I used to find the occasional read on here, but not anymore. Seriously this place has gone to shit. I come back to see if anything interesting has been written and talked about... uhhh no! And discussions? No again!

    DRL: Boom, collapse, goodbye.

    -There is no cure for stupid wives and willful children-

  2. We get think we suck. You sound like a broken record, thanks for always coming back!!!

  3. Dear Anonymous, Sorry you haven't enjoyed DRL posts. Fortunately the numbers show that most people don't agree with you. I happen to think the Lounge is fantastic. I enjoy the ghost stories, Jillian's spicy stories, anything having to do with chocolate, and yes, even apes and pythons! As far as Casey Anthony, DRL had the least biased reporting - just the facts, and when an opinion was stated it was noted that it was an opinion. That's professional writing. You may not enjoy DRL, so get lost. Those of us who love it are sick of your crappy remarks.
    Thank you and have a nice day! :)

  4. Bonnie, I'm just curious I don't notice you as one of the founders or bloggers. What numbers are you referring to? I'm a lurker on here and find it interesting at times. The only numbers that I can see (someone not part of this site) is comments. And they're clearly down. So what numbers are you referring to?

  5. Our readers can see how we are doing with numbers on the side of the page...we have to update it, but have been read in over 90 countries and visited by 100,000 people. We have seen a drop in comments lately, and have checked with our BLOGGING FRIENDS and it is apparently what happens during the summer months. Unlike other blogs we will not pull the plug, we will always ask for your comments and enjoy them. Many blogs have a way to "VIEW CONTENTS BEFORE POSTING" comments, here at DRL we feel that good, bad or ugly if you read our posts you can comment on what you think. It's the personal attacks we get pissy about.

    Please keep coming back! Please keep commenting!

    Our traffic and stats are awesome - thanks to you who love Pythons, Apes or some radom Greek yogurt sauce....or whatever it is that brings you back to DRL. We appreciate all our readers and really don't judge. Something that is interesting to some and not others is what makes the world a special place :)

    Thanks Again!

  6. Dear Anna P. If you check the bottom right side all the way down, there's a section called "Oh the Places You'll Go (or something like that) and it gives the numbers and a list of the countries that this blog is read in. It's really amazing. I love statistics!

  7. Dawn, enjoyed the post! Thanks for the fun shout out to all of us and a woo hoo to the posts that never say die! It's all good! Even the comments that say otherwise - apparently they are reading - so it's ALL GOOD! ;)

  8. PS... Bonnie O - LOVED the personal shout out! THANKS! More spice to come - SOON! Stay tuned...
