
Wednesday, October 5, 2011


DRL is pleased to introduce...
So there we were, sitting 3 inches away from each other on a loveseat, glaring at a pair of eyes sitting in front of us both.  “Why were we here?  Why did I agree do try?”  Let me tell you it saved our marriage.  After only a few sessions with our Sex Therapist, did we start to even look into each other’s eyes and realize that we were on the right track.  We knew we were heading down 10 miles of bad road, till we actually were honest with each other.  After 10 years of marriage and three kids, all under the age of 9, we finally said, “Let’s give it a swing”.  I, who will call myself, Bridgette, didn’t enjoy sex, didn’t want to even bother.  It grew into a chore for me.  He, we’ll call him Eric, had a strong libido and needed to be satisfied and needed to feel connected.  Needless to say, with the lack of libido in me it drove us apart.  It wasn’t that I didn’t love him, because I did very much.  In my mind, everything was just, OK.  I could do without and satisfy myself if I needed to.  It was our Therapist who made me answer some really difficult questions.  Questions like, “What do you love about your husband?, What do you not like? What turns you on?  Do you let him watch you masturbate?  Sometimes I was at a loss for words.  Other times I was like an open book, and it got much easier as the sessions passed us by.  You’re probably asking……when did things change?  She gave us some suggestions to spice up what we were trying to fix.  They all seemed to be very vanilla, which was fine, so we gave it a try.  In other words, Homework!  “Tonight, you just look into your spouse’s eyes and tell each other what you love about them”.  “Just make-out, but no penetration”.  “Hold hands when you are walking together”.  Be each other’s boyfriend and girlfriend”

So we tried……
After a few more honest sessions we started off with me saying, “I don’t want him to end up straying” and “He doesn’t know how to satisfy me”.  It probably wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but because we were open with each other, he changed his ways and listened to what I needed.  We experimented and all I can say, is a little homework goes a long way.  It did us a hell of a favor!  WOW!  We realized that there was a desire in me, a hidden token of leashed up lust that just needed to be released.  We, on a few occasions had mentioned the thought of possibly inviting another female into the equation.  I welcomed the idea, on a good day, because I felt that it may relieve the pressure.  After thinking about it, it opened my thoughts to one of my fantasies and that is to see my hubby with another girl.  We started talk a lot about it and do some research, which lead us to a great website for local couples who are in the Life Style of Swinging.  We created a profile and added some vanilla pictures, of course blacking out our faces, and the e-mails started to pour in.  It really got us hot.  We brought the idea up to our therapist and to much of our surprise, she was not, I repeat, NOT against the idea.  She actually encouraged the idea, telling us that it has worked for other couples in similar situations.  She felt that we loved each other dearly and knew that it would be healthy to look into it.  We also started to go to a nude beach, without our three kids of course.  It was extremely liberating and sexy.  Something about being naked under the blazing sun and cooling off in the warm salty water really got us in the mood for each other.  This led to quite a few erotic evenings with each other.   We even started to send sexy, hot pics via text to each other.  I guess you can say we were actually sexting! 

Here starts the fun stuff…
We decided to make our first venture to a local Swing Club.  We both got dressed up and made our way.  We must have been one of the first couples there, but it gave us the chance to walk around and see what it was all about and what it had to offer.  Of course we were a bit nervous, but soon after we toured the well manicured nightclub, we made friends with the cutest bartender.  She gave us a “Swing 101” tutorial on the lifestyle.  She made us feel at ease and patiently answered all of our questions.  What appeared to be an average hopping nightclub, turned into something sexy as the night progressed.  The club played some really awesome music, the kind that is sexy and got you dancing.  There were large screened televisions all around the club with soft and hard core porn showing.  The lighting was something perfect as it glimmered throughout the dance floor.  There were couples walking and dancing everywhere. 

Off to the side there is a small room with wall to wall couches where people can get a little freaky with each other.  The people were clothed and just hanging out.  I was still too afraid to venture into that room, so I decided to stay with my bartender friend and wait for the official report from Eric. 
Eric decided to take a gander through the two frosted double doors, which further led to the actual couples swing room in the back.  A very large room with beds and couches everywhere.  Drapes were drawn over some of the raised beds.  It was a sexy room, like somewhere out of a Roman fantasy.  The guard who was watching the door stopped Eric and told him that he needed to go to the locker room to put on a towel before entering.  This was the only way couples could enter the closed off area.  There was a very clean locker room where they provide each couple with a locker and two large towels.  I guess it’s like what they say, “Do as the Roman’s do”.  Eric did not do as the Roman’s do that night, as we were there together to just check the temperature of the club.  There is something said about watching couples dancing sexy.  There were some threesomes dancing on the floor, where some of them were kissing and groping each other.  So taboo.  After a few drinks and lots of people watching, we headed home for some real, much needed, erotic, hot, sticky sex.

When we woke the next morning….we looked at each other and said…. “Let’s go back and do it again”.

Stay tuned for our next adventure.  “Swinging on a star!”


  1. LOVED this!!!!
    Barbara told me I would love Bridgette!!! She was right!!!
    I believe more marriages would be saved if couples thought out of the box like you two did. Good for you!!!

  2. Welcome to the lounge Bridgette!
    GREAT POST! Love the out of the box honesty!

  3. interesting post, and WELCOME TO THE LOUNGE!

  4. Thank you for all the warm welcomes! It's a pleasure to be here. It sure has been a roller coaster of a year, but ALL GOOD!!!!! Thrilling to say the least.

    I am looking forward to telling you more...

  5. Wow! This was an amazing story. I am now patiently waiting for part 2. What an inspiration. Go Girl!!!! Lucky Guy!!!
