
Friday, August 19, 2011


DRL Is Thrilled to Have "Ms. Sticky Sweet" Posting 
Her First Original Blog...  Way to go!
Did Facebook ruin the mystery of what we use to call ... High School Reunions???
So I am doing what most of us, typically stay-at-home Moms do, running errands when listening to my Sirus radio in my car and a question was brought up during one of my favorite morning talk shows. Now in this technical era of computers and Facebook... Is it really necessary to attend those High School reunions we use to look forward after 10, 15, even 20 or 25 years after graduating what was suppose to be the most memorable times in our teen lives? Is the mystery gone? Has Facebook killed our longing for live interaction with those from our past that we once so looked forward seeing at these High School reunions?

I mean we are almost all guilty of looking or searching for former classmates on Facebook. Wanting to see how he or she turned out all these years. Have they gained weight? Did they lose hair? Are they single or married or in a complex relationship? Did those most likely to succeed as our yearbooks had predicted, do just that?. Did our Homecoming Queen and King stay together or was it splitsville from the first day of college? Where did they finally move to and call home? Did the super smart classmates create something fabulous or cure some disease? Did the jocks make it to professional team status? Did those in the Fine Arts make it to Broadway or the likes of Hollywood?

Most all of these, if not many of these questions, can simply be answered by looking at ones information on Facebook. And, of course the pictures people post they show their important things as well. Where they have been, their kids, who they have met ---it is all there with just a click of a button. No need to fly half way across the country to return to one's home town for a usually well over-priced dinner.  No need to start dieting or getting in shape for fear of what others who you haven’t seen in years think of you at first glance. Are the egos still going to be there like well over inflated balloons? Will it still be should I dare say the word... “clicky”? Not to mention, it's bad enough if you are nervous about attending, but then, "they" make us wear those name tags with our senior pictures on them. Seriously like everyone wants to have that photo to compare to all night long. Blah!

So my questions to you...
Will you still go given the choice now in our age of computers and of all that can be seen and learned without going "live"?
Will you attend your High School reunion given the chance or will you stay home in your pj’s and just click on to your Facebook account wondering how your former classmates live?
Will you share your thoughts with us here at DRL?  Comments welcomed!


  1. I am a BIG fan of the reconnections I have made on Facebook. In fact I signed onto Facebook when I found an old friend whom I had lost touch, and was looking for for years, with in a google search that pointed me to the social network. Connected with many more since and even found some unexpected friendships. Some people really do mature after HS. Perhaps everyone has a bit of an inner voyeur who'd like to play in the past and see where they went in the future.

    Having been a die hard, school spirited girl who LOVED high school. I plan on making my 25th next fall.

    I'm a big believer in having the best of both worlds whenever possible! ;)

  2. Oh yeah......
    GREAT FIRST POST PATTY!!!! I'm so proud of you for breaking out of your quoting comfort zone! Looking forward to many more postings by Ms. Patty B!!!!

  3. Nice post Patty B! Hoping to read more!

  4. Practically speaking, I think FaceBook has helped eliminate some awkward situations that can arise at social occasions. With FB you can know ahead of time who's not married anymore, who may have just gotten over a loss or illness. I think it does help with connections but shouldn't (and can't) replace personal interaction. So it may not be necessary to attend a reunion if all you want is a surface level of connection. But if you want anything more, like finding out has a particular person changed (and I think after two decades most people have), FB probably won't give you the answer.

    A great and thoughtful read from Patty B! Hoping there will be more!

  5. Great Post Patty! I have to agree with Laura. I'd rather go to my reunion prepared so I wouldn't embarass myself or not recognize someone and hurt his or her feelings. I've connected with many old friends who weren't in my class as well and I love"chatting" with them and seeing what's happening in their lives. Facebook hasn't ruined the mystery, it's just strengthened the ties that bind!
    Looking forward to more posts Patty! You are awesome in everything you do!

  6. I'm a BIG believer in "connections" and how many mean something to you forever. No matter how long or how brief, some people & experiences are soul connections. There are some people whom you will always wonder about or long to reconnect with for all kinds of reasons. Facebook has made that easier. With that there has come both good and bad. As Barbara said there's a little Voyeur in us all. Facebook gives you the ability to check things out with less nerves and complications. In many cases friendships are rekindled and the efforts are rewarded. Sometimes it's just fun to say hello and more on... ether way - it can be great. Reunions can be just as great - yet don't have the quick log off option. That said, never turn down the opportunity to see someone live and in person that once meant something to you, even those that you simply shared hallways with - If you are lucky there will be love, friendship and memories that will abound - and that not only makes for a good time but is a blessing!

  7. thanks all for the bit of confidence for my first offical post. like all of you I am happy I joined Facebook its a get way to find those who you thought were lost forever . To see how things in their life has flourished or floundered. I too like Barb will be come hell or high water will attend my 25 HS reunion because there are special people in my HS years I just need to get a hug from and I'm sorry those virtual hugs just don't cut it for me in my book. :)
