
Friday, July 29, 2011


Jillian B. Hart
The night was so HOT that the city couldn't sleep. But then NYC is the city that never sleeps.  The air felt thick enough to slice as amber light came through the window. Always during a heat wave - brown outs robbing you of cool air.

The latches click and the door to the tiny balcony slides open. The open air rushing in with the city sounds and causing little relief.  Summer nights... Hotter and longer, when your lover is delayed with work long after darkness falls.

Scantily clad in a light nightie she steps onto the metal floor still hot from the day's beating sun on her bare feet. Shaking her head thinking, he'd hate me standing out here barely dressed. Peek-a-boo chiffon with a plunging sweetheart neck line trimmed in hot pink lace pushing up in all the right places.

"Exhibitionist"... She could hear him say. 

"A bathing suit bares more", she'd recant.

A quiet sigh escaped her lips as she slid the cool damp cloth across her chest, collar bones and then to the back of her neck.  The moisture in the air mixing with sticky sweet sweat making her clothes cling to the curves of her body.  Earlier the cloth had been filled with ice.  Fast melting cool drips trickling over her body.  Wildly reminiscent of his tongue on her skin during intensive foreplay.  She ran her hand through her hair and caught sight of the clock on the inside wall. 2:00am. All restless, hot and bothered.  Tired only of the swirling repetitive thoughts of willing him home.

She half heartily went back inside the downtown loft. And sat at her makeshift desk with her laptop. MAC would pass the time with her and she'd write.

The room glowed only with the light on the screen. She slid the ear buds in and plugged into her favorite play list. Chasing away the sounds of the outside world to loose herself in hers words and the music.

Her fingers danced and stalled over the keyboard as the thoughts started and stopped. He watched her from the doorway. So lost in her writing that the sound of his keys in the door did not alert her of his presence.

He longed to be the keys victim to her emotional touch. Light. Heavy. Fast. Slow. Seemingly engrossed in an erotic affair.

Dropping clothing piece by piece as he undressed to escape the scorching heat that hung in the air. Amused watching her professedly murmur the flashing thoughts that emerged through her long delicate fingers and mix them with the song lyrics playing in her head. Something sexy about listening to her off key songs sounding a Capella from his stand point. Lyrics going interrupted or missing when her finger sped up on the keys. 

Still she paid no notice to him as he inched closer, breathing in her intoxicating scent. The ceiling fan clicked faintly bringing the lingering aroma of her perfume to arouse his senses.  Pornographic lust rushing though his mind.  His eyes tracing her body.  Slowly rounding each curve that melted into the next. He was close enough to touch her.  Warmth flooded his body, his temperature climbing from simmer to boil as his pulse quickened with the rush. The thickening rise indicating his needs and desires. His breath ragged and labored with anticipation. Reaching out he stroked her bare arm. She gave a start swinging a one eighty in the office seat and pulling the wires from her ears.

A calming relief following the adrenaline rush once she focused on him.  She tilted her chin and flashed him a smile, "Do you have to scare me like that"?!

Laughingly, "Only when you are completely removed from the world around you." 

"Yeah, there's that..."

She took in his lack of attire, commenting, "Apparently you have been home a while".

His fitted briefs molded to his legs leaving nothing short of obvious as to his mind and motive.  Her pulse kicked up a few notches.  Just the sexy sight of him with that look in his eyes, unleashed her inner vixen and made her feel empowered to be bold. Eyes locked on her smoldering with desire and want.  Suddenly aware of her parched lips her tongue ran around them leaving a glossy shine that reflected in the dim light. Still seated she leaned in and hugged him.  Gracefully wrapping herself around him as he lifted her higher and out of the chair. Helplessly sustained in the air as his mouth met hers.  Arms tightening around his broad shoulders as her legs wrapped his torso.  His steps were small and gentle as he pressed her back to the wall and leaned his body in to act as a force against the natural pull of gravity.   All while dancing tongues never missed a beat.

To Be Continued......   
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  1. Uh oh......
    Crickets around here.....
    Somebody talk to Jillian!

  2. You know how she gets........ ;)

  3. Whoa.....thought it was hot here on long Island...nothing like the city!!!

    Welcome back Miss Jillian....and now a fourth couple??

    Great as always!!!

  4. A steamy read on a warm summer night! Keeping it going, Jillian!

  5. LOL..... I like to keep it steamy & hot! Thanks for the positive comments - glad you liked it!

    TMF, I will get back to the other couples - soon! Perhaps I'm avoiding "endings", so much potential while there are still "chapters" to come...

  6. Another well written piece jillian but like all good storiesI want to turn the page and find out whats next.. Don't leave us hanging on the wall to long bad enough my ice cubes were melting as I was reading this little snipet .. nice job :)
