
Saturday, June 18, 2011



  • olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • salt
  • Greek oregano 
  • thin lemon slices
  • Sea Bass
Fire up the grill.  Salt the interior and exterior of whole fish. With olive oil and lemon juice, and sprinkle with coarsely ground oregano or thyme. Brush both sides of fish.
Brush the grid or grill with olive oil and grill the fish turning often to grill evenly on both sides. It is best to use a enclosed fish holder for your grill.

Cooking time:  
  • Whole fish: Depends on the size. Cook until flesh is firm and just ready to flake

WANNA LAUGH?!?!?! Questions to ponder... and laugh about!

If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked,
then doesn't it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked, and dry cleaners depressed?

Why do croutons come in airtight packages? Aren't they just stale bread to begin with?  

If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled? 

If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...does that mean that one out of five enjoys it?

If people from Poland are called Poles, then why aren't people from Holland called Holes?  

If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP? ?

What hair color do they put on the driver's licenses of  bald men?


1757 - Composer Ignaz Joseph Pleyel was born.
1821 - Carl Maria von Weber's opera "Der Freischutz" was first performed in Berlin.
1905 - Composer Eduard Tubin was born.
1948 - Columbia Records publicly unveiled its new long-playing phonograph record, the 33 1/3, in New York City.
1967 - The Jimi Hendrix Experience made its debut performance at the Monterey Pop Festival in California.
1976 - ABBA performed for Sweden's King and his Queen-to-be on the eve of their Royal Wedding.
1977 - Johnny Rotten (Sex Pistols) was slashed on his face and hands by some kids armed with knives.
1987 - Bruce Springsteen officially separated from wife Julianne Phillips.
1987 - A woman sued Motley Crue for $5,000 claiming that she lost her hearing because a concert was too loud.

1995 - Notorious B.I.G. (Christopher Wallace) was arrested in Camden, NJ, on robbery and aggravated assault charges.
1996 - Beck's fourth album "Odelay" was released.
1998 - David Cassidy began selling a two-CD set exclusively on the cable TV shopping network QVC.


1155 - Frederick I Barbarossa was crowned emperor of Rome.
1429 - French forces defeated the English at the battle of Patay. The English had been retreating after the siege of Orleans.
1621 - The first duel in America took place in the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts.
1667 - The Dutch fleet sailed up the Thames toward London.
1778 - Britain evacuated Philadelphia during the U.S. Revolutionary War.
1812 - The War of 1812 began as the U.S. declared war against Great Britain. The conflict began over trade restrictions.
1815 - At the Battle of Waterloo Napoleon was defeated by an international army under the Duke of Wellington. Napoleon abdicated on June 22.
1817 - London's Waterloo Bridge opened. The bridge, designed by John Rennie, was built over the River Thames.
1861 - The first American fly-casting tournament was held in Utica, NY.
1873 - Susan B. Anthony was fined $100 for attempting to vote for a U.S. President.
1898 - Atlantic City, NJ, opened its Steel Pier.
1915 - During World War I, the second battle of Artois ended.
1918 - Allied forces on the Western Front began their largest counter-attack against the German army.
1925 - The first degree in landscape architecture was granted by Harvard University.
1927 - The U.S. Post Office offered a special 10-cent postage stamp for sale. The stamp was of Charles Lindbergh’s "Spirit of St. Louis."
1928 - Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as she completed a flight from Newfoundland to Wales.
1936 - Charles ‘Lucky’ Luciano was found guilty on 62 counts of compulsory prostitution.
1936 - The first bicycle traffic court was established in Racine, WI.
1939 - The CBS radio network aired "Ellery Queen" for the first time.
1942 - The U.S. Navy commissioned its first black officer, Harvard University medical student Bernard Whitfield Robinson.
1948 - The United Nations Commission on Human Rights adopted its International Declaration of Human Rights.
1951 - General Vo Nguyen Giap ended his Red River Campaign against the French in Indochina.
1953 - Seventeen major league baseball records were tied or broken in a game between the Boston Red Sox and the Detroit Tigers.
1953 - Egypt was proclaimed to be a republic with General Neguib as its first president.
1959 - A Federal Court annulled the Arkansas law allowing school closings to prevent integration.
1959 - The first telecast received from England was broadcast in the U.S. over NBC-TV.
1961 - "Gunsmoke" was broadcast for the last time on CBS radio.
1966 - Samuel Nabrit became the first African American to serve on the Atomic Energy Commission.
1972 - A BEA Trident crashed just after takeoff from London Airport. All 118 people on board were killed.


Barbara Ward-Finneran
Before me the light dances with the clouds. Shadows dart and the scenes slip from sight endlessly changing with a touch of grace from the heavens. Bright light falls behind the darkness. Amber hues beg for it to be known that loves illumination is still present. Still real even when hidden from all views. Even when forced from the forefront. Ever glowing and rebounding. Seemingly beaming stronger with every change and recovery. Each Ray that fights for light promising that from the darkness the warmth of light is born and when embraced is appreciated beyond measure. Life blends moments of unobscured light with wandering in the wanes of the overcoming blue blackness. The depths of neither can be comprehended without the other. For they exist endlessly not in spite of the way they compete to be, but rather because the greatest darkness, or the perfection of brilliance illuminated, does not have life without it's counterpart. Light in the darkness, is to love, as the air that we breathe is to life, as the full moon will forever be to night.

Authors Note: Written in the darkness of the morning of 6-18-11's full moon
Barbara Ward-Finneran and Drawn 2 Design, LLC

All Rights Reserved

Friday, June 17, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

Dr. Tim Huntington was finally excused this afternoon after exhausting examination and cross examination in the Casey Anthony Trial.  Defense attorney Jose Baez had estimated that Huntington would only be on the stand for about 30 minutes. Instead, the witness was on the stand all day. Huntingtons testimony directly contradicts that of the State's expert witness. Star witness for the defense was supposed to be called today, but testimony from Dr. Werner Spitz, an experienced former medical examiner, will have to wait until tomorrow. Spitz is expected to testify that he did a second autopsy on Caylee Anthony and found evidence of drowning.  Court will be in recess until  9am tomorrow.

WANNA LAUGH... Prison Versus Housewives

In prison, you get three square meals a day. 

At home, you cook three square meals a day and try to get your kids to eat it. 

In prison, you get an hour each day in the yard to exercise and mingle. 

At home you get to clean the yard up so you can mow it so your kids can spread more toys all over it so that you can go out and clean it again because little Jr. can't sleep without his latest lego creation. 

In prison, you get to watch TV, cable even. 

At home, you get to listen to your children fight over the remote control and get treated to hours and hours of mindless cartoons thanks to cable. 

In prison, you can read whatever you want and attend college for free. 

At home, you get to read weekly readers starring Dick, Jane, and Spot and worry about how to send Jr. to college and still be able to eat for the next twenty years. 

In prison, all your medical care is free. 

At home, you have to pawn your mother's silver and fill out trillions of papers for insurance and hope the doctor will see you before you die.

In prison, if you have visitors, all you do is go to a room, sit, talk and then say good-bye when you are ready or your time is up. 

At home, you get to clean for days in advance and then cook and clean up after your guests and hope that they will one day leave. 

In prison, you can spend your free time writing letters or just hang out in your own space all day. 

At home, you get to clean your space and everyone else's space, too, and what the heck is free time again? 

In prison, you get your own personal toilet. 

At home, you have to physically hold the bathroom door shut in order to keep from having someone standing over you demanding to know how long till you're done so you can do something for them. 

In prison, the prison laundry takes care of all your dirty clothes. 

At home, you get to take care of them yourself, plus everybody else's, and get yelled at because somebody's favorite shirt isn't clean. 

In prison, they take you everywhere you need to go. 

At home, you take everybody else where they need to go. 

In prison, the guards transport all your personal effects for you and make sure nothing is missing. 

At home, you have to lug around everybody else's stuff in your purse and then wonder who went in it and took your last dollar. 

In prison, there are no screaming or whining children or spouses asking you to do something else for them, or screaming at you because you didn't.

At home....stop me when I get to the downside of jail, will ya?


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

It was an interesting morning in the Casey Anthony trial! A fight broke out among those waiting in line for the coveted 50 tickets to sit in the gallery. Once the trial began, several people were put out for falling asleep and one was feeling ill.

Entemologist Tim Huntington
 The Defense called Tim Huntington ,  a forensic entomology consultant and assistant  professor at Concordia University in Nebraska.  Huntington testified that if a body had been stored in the trunk of Casey’s car there would have been hundreds if not thousands of flies and a black, irremovable stain would have been present. The State objected to Huntington testifying about the stain, as he is not a stain expert. After much debate, Judge Perry agreed that the entomologist must stick to talking about bugs!
In other news concerning Casey Anthony, Bounty Hunter, Leonard Padilla visited the Anthony property Wednesday with FOX news reporters.. George Anthony called 911 as Padilla has a no trespass warrant against him for the Anthony home. Padilla stated he was showing FOX the distance from the home to the site where Caylee’s remains were found. In an interview with reporters, Padilla stated that he believed George Anthony had nothing to do with the disappearance and murder of his granddaughter, Caylee Anthony.


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
Italian meats, olives and cheeses!
A little bit of heaven has appeared in Vierra, Florida in the form of Amici’s Italian Restaurant, Pizzeria, and Bakery. I was introduced to Amici’s when a friend invited me to his wife’s surprise birthday party. The food was authentic, home style Italian, just like we enjoyed “up north” in Brooklyn. Platter after platter of Chicken Marsala, Pasta with creamy Ricotta and gooey mozzarella in a rich red sauce (or “gravy” as some of my Italian friends call it), and perfectly spiced meatballs were carried out. Before I could empty my plate, spicy sausage and peppers, and several other delectable entrees appeared. The bread was warm and fragrant, the wine, full bodied and perfectly matched to the meal. I can’t imagine a nicer environment or better service than we received.

Amici's Owner and Chef David Dashi
Owner/Chef David Dashi came out to welcome us and checked often to see that we were happy with the food and service. How could we not be? Everything was just perfect!

Chef David not only provides an outstanding dining experience, but carries the spirit of Amici (friendship) into his concern for the community. He recently contributed most generously to the Second Annual Joseph S. Pellicano Golf Tournament to benefit the Police Academy Scholarship Fund in honor of Officer Pellicano who died in the line of duty.                                                         
The delicious cookies and biscotti are made fresh!
But the end of that amazing meal wasn’t the end of the magic! Right next door, Amici’s has opened a REAL Italian Bakery and Deli. The freshly made cookies, pastries, breads and cakes rival any New York Italian Bakery. I have NEVER tasted 7 layer (Italian Flag) cookies that have come close to those at Amici’s!  And if you’re in the market for a one of a kind Italian Wedding Cake, you can schedule a cake tasting and order your cake right from Amici’s! You can also find a variety of Italian products: pasta, polenta, olives, oils, and more in the little Italian Shop within the bakery.

Now my favorite part- The seasonal specialties. Every Saint Joseph’s Day, Italian families celebrate by serving a kind of Italian Pastry called Zeppolis. These cream filled pieces of bliss are hard to find and I was thrilled to buy my 3 dozen at Amici’s! I always bring them to school for my fellow teachers to share in our family tradition.
During Easter Season, Pizza Rustica, Ricotta Pie, Braided Sweet Bread with Colored eggs and other traditional treats are available.  At Christmas time, it’s delicious little honey balls called Struffoli that our family loves!  From October to December to celebrate Halloween or The Day of the Dead, Ossi di Morti (dead man’s bones) are available by the pound.
So if you’re interested in an exceptional meal, a party, catering, or treats from the bakery, you can’t go wrong by visiting Amici’s. You’re sure to meet Chef David while you’re there, so tell him Marion sent you!
Pastries to die for!

Amici's Italian Restaurant, Pizzeria, Specialty Bakery and Deli
7720 N. Wickham Road Suite 120
Melbourne, Florida 32940

Lunch Time POLL - To Tweet or to Post...

Jillian B Hart
When it comes to social media relationships which is more intimate a "Facebook Friend" or a" Twitter Follower"?  If you use twitter to push to Facebook... does that change the relationship.  (Should I dare to mention the Ménage à trois of the third party posting apps?)

Facebook required that you accept a friend before they can "stalk" your wall (assuming you have privacy restrictions activated.) Facebook gives control.  You can un-friend, ignore, hide or even block, whereas with Twitter there are no prerequisites or rules.  If you are being strictly "social" - is there a reason to welcome complete strangers to follow you? What's the pull or drive behind that desire?

Do prefer the act of relinquishing all control with Twitter or having a "set of rules" as to who will qualify for a friend acceptance or ignorance on Facebook? Does that feeling reflect anything about your "non-social networking", or real life personality ?
To tweet, post, or both.... that is the question.  Which do you think is more intimate or worthwhile?
Kindly share your comments!


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
I read a post on Facebook by a good friend. It read: “Why do people have to be so cruel?” She was talking about someone who was once a friend and colleague who has gone out of his way to say hurtful things simply to wound her. It made me wonder. What kind of person purposely says things to cause others pain? Then it came to me. Strangers don’t know enough about us to find our “weak” point, or something that would hurt. And even if they did happen upon a sensitive point, they’re strangers, so who cares? It’s only those who we have let get close to us in some way, those we care about, trust, and maybe even love, who can cause us this kind of pain.

So why so those we care about set out to injure us?  I believe that some people who tend to be cruel have it deeply seated in their nature. They’re mean hearted and just enjoy causing pain. Others are just manipulative and use insults and slurs to gain emotional control over another in order to get what they want. I also think some people hurt in exchange for what they feel was a hurt aimed at them.
Whatever the reason, it’s destructive and I’ve gleaned from personal experience that it’s something we must teach ourselves to put a stop to. In my learning process I tried to ignore the cruel remarks and inferences that were aimed at me by loved one. I reminded myself that the things he said weren’t true. I tried pointing that out, but realized that you can’t reason with an angry person while he’s angry. With my husband’s help and support I started to build a shield against the abuse I was receiving from this person. I hung up , walked away or deleted the message as soon as a negative comment was made. I regularly remind myself that others can only hurt me if I let them. I’ve chosen not to let them anymore. It also helps to remember the old song “You always hurt the one you love” so at least I know that this person loves me somewhere deep down!

There’s one sad truth in life I’ve found
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best.
                                                                                          Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I hope the experience of working through this will make me a person who thinks before she speaks and will help me to refrain from saying anything that might cause pain to those I love. I hope it will inspire you to do the same.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Natalie Molloy

Franz had just won his fight against Jimmy Palazzola in Ft. Lauderdale Florida. Jimmy Palazzola was rumored to be backed by Frank Sinatra (Sinatra's Boy) . Always up for a good time, the dapper Franz met his buddies for a night on the town, to celebrate. As he entered the club and walked through the crowds of ladies in pretty dresses and men in sharp suits smoking their finest cigars and cigarettes, new fans and friends being made by a congratulatory hand shake . Closer to his meeting spot he was stopped as a man jumped up from his table to shake his hand and offer a few words of encouragement . With a hand on Franz's shoulder and another in a solid grip the man said " Great fight tonight champ ,you put on a good show. "Thank You " replied Franz. "I think we're gonna see you in Madison Square Garden soon , how about it?" said the man. Franz (if you really knew him) had a look he couldn't hold back when he thought someone was full of s--- , he burst out with a "HA , sure , an a------ full of promises!". Now , as a fighter back then , still now I think, Madison Square Garden was the "PLACE OF PLACES" the "Real Deal" a certain esteem followed you if you fought there. It's where you wanted to be , a goal you set yourself. For any fighter ...a dream! It's like the Academy Award of fighting. 

Franz finally caught up with his friends, they ALL were VERY interested in what that last guy at the table had to say. Franz told them all what happened , and what he had said as well. Harmoniously his smoking pals quickly put out their cigarettes , hands and arms started waving in the air......."OH NO...Oh Franz you gotta go back , you don't want to say the wrong thing or look at that guy the wrong way. They explained to Franz what the deal with the guy in the nice suit was all about. Franz was shaken up, flurries of words like missing and family swirled in his head... "Oh my God , now what." he had a knowledge of the said man , heard some rumors and what not. So , Franz , cautiously eager to clarify the situation with the said man approached him at his table. "Excuse me sir " the man stood back up " Hey what's up champ" , Franz- " Hey sorry if I said something wrong , I meant no disrespect , I hope you understand ." The man actually laughed at him and said "No problem here Franz , I like a tough kid , a kid with gutts, go have a drink on me." EXTREMELY relieved Franz was able to enjoy himself, accompanied by nervous laughter all night. Six fights later Franz fought Spider Webb in Madison Square Garden . Spider Webb was a replacement for Gene Fullmer . Had Franz fought Gene Fullmer and won , he probably would have fought for a title. Gene Fullmer cancelled on Franz three times total. Oh , and the "man in the suit " - Frankie Carbo.

WANNA LAUGH?!?!?! Marriage Changes things......

Three women one engaged, one married, and one a mistress are chatting about their relationships and agree to amaze their men. That night all three will wear a leather bodice S&M style, stilettos and a mask over their eyes. 

After a few days they meet again. 

The engaged girlfriend says, "The other night, when my fiance came back home, he found me in the leather bodice, stilettos and a mask, and said, 'You are the woman of my dreams, I adore you,' then we made love all night long!" 

The mistress says, "Ah! Me too, the other night I met with my lover in the office and I was wearing the leather bodice, mega stilettos, a mask over my eyes, all under a rain coat. When I opened the coat, his 'little soldier' sprang to attention... then we had wild sex all night long!" 

The married one says, "The other night I sent the kids to stay at my mother's for the night. I got myself ready in my leather bodice, super stilettos and a mask over my eyes. My husband comes back from work, opens the door, sees me and says, 'Hey Batman, what's for dinner?'"


Patty B.

You cannot have a drink before noon without people gossiping about you. You can , however, eat all the chocolate you want.

Use a bar of chocolate as a bookmark and you'll never lose your place.

The Low Carb Method: Deep fry chocolate and eat it with bacon.

Chocolate needs no condiments, which saves you time.

Coffee makes it possible to get out of bed.  Chocolate makes it worthwhile.

Chocolate is an antidepressant, which is especially useful as you start to gain weight

Everyone has a price - mine is chocolate.


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

The first witness called in the Casey Anthony trial today was Orange County sheriff's crime scene investigator, Gerardo Blois. . Bloise  has already testified for the prosecution in the case about items found in Casey Anthony’s bedroom. The defense questioned Bloise about his examination of Casey Anthony's clothing and of her ex-boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro’s car.
The second witness the defense called was Heather Seubert, aforensic DNA expert with the FBI in Quantico, Virginia. Baez asked Seubert if George Anthony had been tested as a possible father of Caylee Anthony. The Prosecution objected and asked that the question be stricken from the record. Judge Perry then dismissed the jury for lunch and stated that he would consider the matter and make a ruling this afternoon.


Have you ever heard someone say something and it sounds sexy.  
Then in retrospect - It's SOOOO NOT!
Today's lunch time poll invites you to help compile a list of 
(You never know what blog post may be born of this - Jillian - are you reading?)


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

The following poem was written to show adults how a child feels when being yelled at - it can shake them to their core. As I read it, it occurred to me that at times, I feel the same way.  Sometimes, when another adult raises their voice or speaks in that tone of voice that I perceive as yelling, I get angry and come back with a snappy remark. But when someone I love uses that tone, it makes me want to crawl into myself and hide. I guess it’s because their opinion means so much and it hurts to have them disapprove of something I’ve done, even if it was unintentional.  Maybe it’s that inner child taking over, but I never could handle being yelled at.  I wish people would think about how they speak to other human beings. I can’t think of a single instance where yelling has ever solved any problem, repaired a relationship, or helped heal a hurt. In my experience it only adds tension, causes defensiveness, and sometimes causes irreparable damage to a relationship. It may make the yeller feel a bit of relief, but it never helps the yell-ee!
What do you think? Are you a yeller? If so, does it make you feel better? Do you ever think of what you’re doing to the person you’re yelling at?  
 Don't yell at me, don't yell at me! I hate it when you do.
it makes me feel so miserable I want to run from you.
I simply cannot stand it when you yell into my ear.
If I knew how to do it I'd completely disappear!
Don't yell at me, don't yell at me!
I'll crawl away and hide. I'll detonate to smithereens
or shrivel up inside.
Feel free to thumb your nose at me or wiggle all your toes at me,
or even ring a bell at me, but please, please, please. pleeeease.
                                               -  Jack Prelutsky

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich recently warned that the U.S. is likely headed back into recession. Such a move would bring us into what is called a “Double Dip Recession”. This is when gross domestic product (GDP) growth slides back to negative after a quarter or two of positive growth. A double-dip recession refers to a recession followed by a short-lived recovery, followed by another recession .The causes for a double-dip recession vary but often include a slowdown in the demand for goods and services because of layoffs and spending cutbacks from the previous downturn. A double-dip, or “W Shape” Recession is a worst-case scenario, yet many experts in the economic and financial sector have voiced concern.

What can you do to protect yourself and your family in the event of such an occurrence?
First: If possible, have an emergency fund set up in a high interest FDIC insured bank account. This will keep its full value no matter what happens in the market and will give you access to money in case of a layoff or cut in pay.


In a recent Channel 4 news broadcast, it was announced that Lorena Bobbitt's sister Louella was arrested for an alleged attempt to perform the same act on her husband as her famous sister had done several years ago. Sources reveal the sister was not as accurate as Lorena. 

She allegedly missed the target and stabbed her husband in the upper thigh causing severe muscle and tendon damage. The husband is reported to be in serious, but stable condition, and Louella has been charged with . . a misdewiener!


Patty B.

Seize the moment.  Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart.  ~Erma Bombeck

Ideas should be clear and chocolate thick.  Las cosas claras y el chocolate espeso.  ~Spanish Proverb

If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you.  But you have no chocolate!  I think of that again and again!  My dear, how will you ever manage?


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
Casey Anthony, Day 19
The Prosecution rested today in their case against Casey Anthony.  Before retiring they entered items into evidence which included 2 cans containing parts of the trunk liner of Casey’s car which were said to emit the smell of decomposing corpse.
Judge Belvin Perry read out the translation of Casey’s “Bella Vita” tattoo, which means “good life” or “beautiful life”. Casey got the tattoo during the time Caylee was “missing”. She agreed that “Beautiful Life” was the correct meaning.
Judge Belvin Perry denies Defense motion for acquittal 
The Defense began argument over a motion for acquittal after the jury was dismissed. Judge Perry denied the motion. The Defense will call its first witness on Thursday morning.
If convicted in the first degree murder of her daughter, Caylee Anthony, Casey will face the death penalty.


Dawn Boyle

Next Wednesday is the 1st day of  SUMMER 2011. For us Northeasterns we have a little more than a week and schools out...many other places have been out for a few weeks. How I long for this time of year. This is the first year I do not have a summer trip planned. I am in a panic.

I am considering Block Island, R.I. also thinking about hitting my old standby Montauk. We have been going out east for August for the past 7 years.

What are your summer travel plans?

Have any suggestions for me?

Would you do Block Island or MTK?


Barbara Ward-Finneran

Wicked... Can be defined so many ways; good, bad and cool.

There are times that the use of the word and it's meanings  may overlap or just not quite say enough - yet it is a word commonly used.  Used here at DRL regularly on Wednesdays.

It's wicked when someone you cared about disappoints you. It matters not the length of the relationship.  If you bothered to invest friendship loyalty and love -  business and pleasure - accepted the good and bad, it stings like salt on an emotional wound when that  friendship ends.  In retrospect it usually comes to light that it was destined not to go places, had ugly or selfish moments and or unhealthy aspects.  (Perhaps you were even warned not to get involved by others who had been burned.) I'm a big believer that there are three sides to every story.  Each of the two the main players involved have a side, let's say, his & hers... so to get three sides, you have "his", "hers" and "what really happened".  Perhaps therein lies where bitterness and resentment are born.  Where the sides and stories to the ending don't line up. When someone feels dishonored or betrayed, they can strike out in cold and cruel ways with no regards to, or understanding of, or even an acknowledgment of  - "the other sides of the story", as they are so wrapped up in that pain or dysfunction of the "ending".  Even sadder, is if it is because simply their inability to have "good relationships" clouds everything - ruins all  - even with those that give of themselves with the potential to create and teach healthy ones. 

For some the answer to their own pain is to strike out and attempt to cause similar infliction on those who "wronged" them.  Manifesting as hurtful words or actions.  A beast that is more angered and fed by interaction.  My thought, it is better to starve it to death then to feed it's hunger for more.  Silence speaks volumes.  Even more so when resulting from not dignifying actions with reactions. 

When you choose to be a person who values their friends and relationships, (admittedly, at times, practically to a fault).  It's all too simple to question,  could I have repaired this before it had crumbled.  Truth is some things need to be broken.  It saves you from more disappointment and or pain.  (Even truer, some things are damaged long before you even started involving yourself with them.)  You grow. You change.  You move on.  Not necessarily in that order.  You simply live and let live.  Agree to disagree.  Remember the good fondly and let go of the rest.  That's life as an adult in a world full of humans.  If only we were all divine enough to act and do better always.  Then perhaps this would be heaven not earth. Until then, ignore those who think there is "HELL" to pay - the fact of the matter is - they are in their own self created HELL that is far worse then anything you could conjure up.  Ignore negativity.  It only breeds more of the same.  That is one thing I know for sure.  I'm positive about it!


Barbara Ward-Finneran
You have to choose to want it more then you are afraid it. 

Fearlessly cast aside doubt, for if you are focused on doubt you will fail to find victory. 

Actions and attitude line the path to your success  - take a deep breath, smile and do it.

Keep the promises that you make to yourself!

Photo Courtesy of Barbara Ward-Finneran and Drawn 2 Design, LLC
All Rights Reserved